Chapter 52

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The prisoners were dead all except two Oscar and Axel since they tried to kill Rick and Daryl and Rick was not having that. They had to stay in D or they would be sent off packing. They had tried to negotiate but Rick wouldn't budge on the deal. Herhsel had stopped breathing and Lori had revived him with CPR. Lori was overdue and who knew when the baby would arrive. Carl had found more medical supplies and went into the tombs alone to find them. I nearly ripped that boys head off he could've gotten hurt or killed. He had an attitude towards me but he'll get over it. He knows I love him and I'm looking out for him. Hershel had woken up which was a good thing he was alive and we couldn't be happier. Lori, Beth, Carl, Maggie, and I had gotten crutches for him so he could try walking. We got him up on his one leg and helped him. He almost immediately fell but we kept him upright. We were going to take a stroll because Hershel didn't want to stare at the top bunk anymore so we were going to take a walk. We got him down the stairs and into we had cleared out the bodies he looked around and started to walk with the crutches.

"You cleared all those bodies out. Looks like a place we can really live" He said smiling.

Lori guided him slightly just be sure he didn't fall or wobble along with Beth and me while Maggie trailed behind.

"You watch your step the last thing we need is you falling" she told him.

We kept walking and I looked out and seen Daryl, Rick, and Glenn came though the hole we made in the gate with firewood I waved at them and blew a kiss looking back to Hershel. Glenn cheered for Hershel and Carol and TDog came walking up to watch Hershel press on. I smiled to myself everything seemed to be okay we can have lives here we can hunker down build a life that's all we wanted for a long time ever since the farm got overrun. Carl chuckled,

"Ready to race Hershel?"

I chuckled.

"You give me another day I'll take you on" he said.

I ruffled Carl's hair and he shook his head laughing.

"I'll race you dude"

Carl scoffed.

"Yeah right you're too fast you'd win" he told me with a smile.

I hugged him pulling him into my chest and kissed the top of his head with a giggle telling him i might let him win. We were all watching enjoying everything when we all heard growling.

"Walkers!" Carl shouted.

Immediately we all kicked into gear. Herhsel went with Beth. TDog with Carol, Maggie, Carl, Lori, and I started shooting the walkers. I heard Rick yell along with Daryl and Glenn. I glanced back seeing them running towards us. We scattered and I heard Tdog scream and I watched a walker take a bite from his shoulder. My heart dropped,

"No!!!" Carol screamed.

They ran to the nearest door followed by Maggie. Oh no, I ran to the gate and opened it leading to our cell block.

"Mom, Carl"

They both ran and I closed the gate and went in.

It was silent as we walked through the doors we were heading to were the cells were and suddenly walkers came through. I quickly grabbed Lori as we went through the gate the prisoners had once came out of and slammed it closed. Shit! Somehow we had to get out of this.


I ran through the gates taking down walkers and looking frantically for Adelyne. She was nowhere in sight and that scared me. Rick looked at Herhsel and Beth who were safe behind a gate. I took down the last walker while my heart was racing. Adelyne where was she? I almost lost her once I didn't want to lose her again.

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