Chapter 47

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Thank you for being so patient everyone. I love you all this chapter is dedicated to @WeirdLittlePoop. This chapter took a long time to write. And it's mostly told in third person. So it jumps all around from different scene just a head up. If the point of view changes it will say so. Enjoy!

*Adelyne's POV*

We all started to run quietly as the heard approached us. I had never seen a heard that big not even on the high way. That one was smaller way smaller we continued to run as Rick held Carl's hand and pulled him along. I was going as fast as my legs would take me. The others had to know about the heard or they could all die. I was so scared I will admit it I was scared to death hopefully we could get out of this alive.


*Third Person*

Everyone sat in the house awaiting news from anyone who walked into the door. Andrea stood up.

"I'm going after them"

"Don't they can be anywhere. And if Randall comes back we're going to need you" Lori told her as she leaned against the wall.

That's when Daryl and Glenn came walking in and Daryl's eyes scanned for Adelyne but he didn't see her.

"Rick and Shane ain't back?" Daryl asked.

"No" everyone said.

"We heard a shot" Glenn explained.

Lori's eyes got wide and she assumed the worst but she wanted it to mean something good.

"Maybe they found Randall"

Daryl shook his head.

"We found him"

"Is he back in the shed?" Maggie asked.

"He's a walker."

Hershel shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Did you find the waler that bit him?" he asked.

Glenn made eye contact with everyone.

"No the weird thing is he wasn't"

"He got his neck broke" Daryl informed everyone.

"So he fought back" Maggie told us.

"The thing is Shane and Randall's tracks were right in top of eachother. And Shane ain't not tracker so he didn't come up behind him,they were together" Daryl explained.

His eyes scanned for Adelyne a second time but still nothing. Everyone looked around not knowing what to say or do. What did that mean if Shane and Randall were togther. Lori walked up to Daryl,

"Will you please get back out there and find Rick or Shane and find out what on earth is going on?" she asked.

Daryl nodded.

Everyone followed Daryl out onto the porch and stopped at the sight seeing all the walkers coming towards them and the house.


Rick, Carl and Adelyne stopped as they hit the woods.

"We got to get to the house, tell the others" Adelyne said taking a deep breath.

"We'll never get through that. Can't go around. Carl, Adelyne, stay colse you hear me? go!" Rick instructed and they kept running.

Carl softed cried as they ran past walkers and Adelyne stayed close to them and helped. Her heart was pounding and she was worried about Daryl if he was okay? He was a tough guy he could make it out alive right?

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