Chapter 43

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Jeon Hayoung POV

I woke up earlier than morning because today is my first day at work.

I got up and did my morning routine. I walked downstairs and cooked breakfasts for me and Seungcheol oppa before I cooked myself lunch.

Mingyu told me that I will start working as part time as I am also a full time wife but I told him I can do fully time but he use the excuse it "Seungcheol hyung will kill me if he knew his wife will be working full time".

I quickly finish the last few pancakes before setting the table up. Normally Seungcheol oppa will be up before I even finish breakfast but I guess he is too tired from work he decided to sleep in a bit.

I took of my apron and walked upstairs to the room.

I opened the door and see a sleep Seungcheol happily hugging the pillow.

I chuckled before slightly shaking him to wake him up.

"Oppa, it's time to get up" I said

He moved a bit before rubbing his eyes. He slightly opened one of his eyes and smile.

"Morning Hayoung" he said with his husky voice.

"Morning. I made breakfast downstairs. I have my first day at work today. Will you be at work today" I asked

He got up and sat on the bed and grab my hand.

He started playing with my hands before looking up at me.

He nodded.

"What time is it" he asked looking for his phone.

I grab my phone by the night stand and checked the time.

"It's 8:30" I replied

"When will you be home"

"Around 3. I can stop by your workplace and drop you lunch after work" I said placing my phone down.

"Ani it's okay. It's your first day at work and you'll be tired. You can come home and rest" he replied getting up. "What time do you start"


"Okay. I'll wash up and we can have breakfast together" he said before walking to the restroom.

I walked into the closet and grab myself a comfy outfit to wear for work.

I tied my hair in a bun and grab my purse and phone.

I placed my purse on the couch and walked into the kitchen and sat down waiting for Seungcheol.

"Why didn't you start eating yet" Seungcheol said walking down the stairs.

"I was waiting for you" I replied with a smile.

"You didn't have to. I know you have work in a couple of minutes. You could had ate and left"

"Ani. It's okay we can have breakfast together"

Seungcheol chuckled.

"Thank you for breakfast" he said before digging in.

After eating

"I'll do the dishes. It's almost time for you to head out"

I checked the time. It was already 9.

"Then I'll leave the dishes for you. Thank you. See you later oppa" I said before grabbing my purse and putting on my shoe.

"Good luck today" he replied back as I opened the door.

"Thank you" I said

I got into the car and drove off to the cafe.

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