Chapter 7

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Choi Seungcheol POV

I stared at my phone. I was looking at the photo on Hayoung in the dress earlier.

"Beautiful" I whisper

"Oh maybe send this to the boys"

I send the photo to Mingyu.

My fiancée

Wow hyung she's so pretty

Yah don't hit on my wife

Sure. Ima go show the guy. Good luck hyung

Kim Mingyu POV

I was on my phone when Seungcheol hyung sent me a message. I open the message. It was a photo of a woman but who. Then Seungcheol texted me "My fiancée"

"Hyung fiancée" I said

I texted Seungcheol.

When we finish texting I got off my bed and ran to the living room.

"Guys" I screamed

"Stop yelling Mingyu" Woozi said

"I found out who hyung fiancée is" I said

Everyone froze and look at me. Then everyone came running towards me.

"Who?!" Dk asked

"Is she pretty" Dino asked

"Sexy" Seungkwan asked

"Cute" Vernon said

"Better" I said

I showed them the photo on my phone.

"Wow she's cute" Dk said

"She has a cute and small face" Jun said

"Can I see" Joshua hyung said taking my phone.

Hong Joshua POV

Everyone was looking at the photo. I was trying to look but I couldn't. I can only take glances.

"Can I see" I asked

The8 gave me the phone.

"What?!?" I said

"What's wrong hyung" Dino asked

"I....I know her" I said

"What?! How?!"Dk asked

"I met her at the mall the other day"

I kept looking at the photo.

"Seungcheol hyung is marrying Hayoung" I asked myself

Jeon Hayoung POV

I was ready with my second dress.

I was ready with my second dress

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