Chapter 34

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Jeon Hayoung POV

Seungcheol oppa is currently driving us home.

"Seungcheol oppa, what event is happening his weekend" I asked

"Oh it's an anniversary party for Mr. Bang" he said

"Oh" I said nodding my head.

"Do you want to come along" he said

"Ah ani...! It's fine. I was just curious" i said shaking my hand.

He smiled. He drove off to the side of the road and parked the car.

"Well, Hayoung will you be my date to this event" he asked looking at me.

I look back at him.

He turn his head and smiled.

I smiled.

"I would love to be your date" I said

"Great now lets go to the mall" he said

"Wait right now? You're still in your suit" I said pointing at him suit.

He look down at his suit and took off the suit jacket and his tie.

"Better?" He said and drove off to the mall.

As we park in the parking lot that is own by Joshua's parents, Hayoung face was not okay for some reason.

I turned to look at her.

"What's wrong" I asked

"Oh nothing. Are we here already" she said taking off her seatbelt.

"Yeah. At the mall that Joshua's parents own" I said looking out the window towards the mall.

"Joshua oppa?" She said

"Yeah. Ready?"

She nod.

We both got out the car and walked inside the ball.

We went into the store called Fairies.

"Welcome" the employee said

"Thank you. I need your help. My wife is trying to find a dress for an anniversary party. Can you help her?" I said

"Sure will. Miss this way please" the employee said

She looks at me then walked away.

I walked to the racks and try to find something nice for Hayoung.

Jeon Hayoung POV

I walked into the dressing room and the employee hanged some dresses for me.

"Feel free to call us if you want more dresses to try on" the employee said

"Thank you"

Then the employee left.

I sigh.

I took off my clothes and tried on the first dress. It was a short purple dress with rhinestone around the waist. It was cute but purple doesn't look good on me.

I then tried on this red long two piece dress. It was a halter top with a skin tight bottom with it.

"Should I show him" I said

I opened the door and look around for Seungcheol oppa.

"Oppa?" I said

"Yes Hayoung"

"Can you come and see if this dress is okay" I asked

Seungcheol oppa appeared in front of me.

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