Chapter 22

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Jeon Hayoung POV

"I need to see him today!"

I stood up and watch as the door swung opened.

It was a young lady wearing a black jeans and a blue off the shoulder shirt.

"Where's Seungcheol" she asked

"He went into a meeting" I answered.

"When? When will he be back? I need to talk to him" she said with a angry voice

"He just left" I answered

"Then I'll wait" she said and walked to the couch.

I sat back down the the seat and went on my phone.

5 minutes later

"Hey you"

I look up from my phone.

"Where's Seungcheol? Is his meeting this long" she asked

"I don't know. It's my first time here" I answered

She gets up from the couch and walk over to me.

"We'll go and tell the employee why the meeting taking forever" she said

"Sorry I don't work here"

"You don't work here? Then why are you here?"

I was about to answer when the door opened. It was Seungcheol.

Choi Seungcheol POV

"Meeting over" I said

Everyone stared to leave the meeting room while one stop and look at me.

"Mr. Choi I feel like this year will be amazing after your marriage" he said with a laugh

I laugh along with him.

"Thank you"

He then left and I went back to my office.

I opened the door and I saw Hayoung and Jiwon.

Jiwon with happiness.

She ran over to home and hugged my arm.

"Seungcheol oppa, where did you go? I tried calling you but you wouldn't answer your phone" she said

"Sorry I been busying. And Jiwon I told you not to come back here" I said with a serious voice

"I know but I miss you so much I had to come back"

I took off her hand and walked over to my desk.

"What are you doing" I said Hayoung.

"Nothing I was just waiting for you" she said standing up with a smile.

"Oppa who's this girl" Jiwon asked

"This is my wife Hayoung, Hayoung this is Jiwon" I said introducing them to each other

"Wife?!? Oppa you're married?!" Jiwon said shocked

"Yes I just got married and this is my wife"

I can see that Jiwon is upset.

"You can't be married! I'll ask my dad about this" she said and walked out the room.

I sigh.

"Who was that" Hayoung asked

"She's a friend back in high school. She has a crush on me and still do but I never accepted her" I said and sat down on my seat.

"And she's still coming around?"

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