Chapter 16

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Jeon Hayoung POV

We arrived at the event and there were so much people. I looked at the building then back at Seungcheol oppa.

"Why is there so many people" I asked

"Because it's Jun's family. He has a lot of close family and friends. He's Chinese so he family from China came too"

I look back out the window.

Seungcheol oppa got out the car and walked to my side. He opened my door and gesture me his hand. I took his hand and got out the car.

He closed the door and gave me his arm to link. I linked my arm with his. We both walked to the front door and was greeted by Jun and his parents.

"Seungcheol hyung and Hayoung thank you for coming. Hayoung these is my parents. Mom and dad this is seungcheol hyung and his fiancée" Jun said

"Thank you so much for coming" Jun's mom said

"Thank you for the invitation" I said

"Please come inside" Jun's dad said

"Thank you" Seungcheol oppa said

We both walked inside the building. The building was most packed. People on the stairs, on the floor, sitting on the table, and some were just talking.

"Let's go find the others" Seungcheol said


We walked around until we found the other.

"HYUNG" Vernon yelled

"Vernon be quiet" Jeonghan said

We walked over.

"Hi guys" I said

"Hey Hayoung" they said

"Hayoung sit next to me" Dino said raising his hand.

"No Dino. She's sitting with me" Seungcheol opp said putting his hand around my waist.

Dino pout.

I chuckled.

Seungcheol oppa gesture me to an empty chair. I sat down and seungcheol oppa sat next to me on my right and on my left was Joshua.

"You look beautiful today Hayoung" Joshua said

"Thank you. You look handsome today well all of you guys do" I said with a smile

Me and Joshua had a conversation about how he became friends with Seungcheol and the others

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Me and Joshua had a conversation about how he became friends with Seungcheol and the others.

"Yeah so that how we all became friends" Joshua said

"Wow that's so interesting" I said looking at him

He smiled at me.

I smiled back.

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