Chapter 39

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Jeon Hayoung POV

I took off my clothes and changed into the dress.

I was finish zipping my dress when I heard a knock on the door.

"Excuse me miss" the voice said

"Come in" I said

The female employee walked into carrying a box.

"This is for you. Mr. Choi has paid for it already and I was told to bring it to you" she said handing me the box.

"Umm okay thank you"

She then left.

I sat on the chair and opened the box.

It was a cute plain black heels.

I smiled.

I took the heels out of the box and put them on.

I stood up and looked at myself in the turn, moving some hair out of my face and fixing my dress.

I grab my previous clothes and put them inside the bag that had my dress in.

I picked up my purse and the bag and walked out the room to find Seungcheol.

I walked to the entrance to find Seungcheol sitting on the couch.

I walked towards him and soon lifted his head up to see me.

I look at him but soon look down when I felt that I was staring too long.

I heard the couch move indicating that Seungcheol had gotten up.

He grab for me bag and held me hand with his free hand.

"You look stunning tonight" he said

I look up at him and smile.

"Thank you" I said

"Let's go. The party is about to start" he said but I stop him.

"What about the payment" I said

"I already paid. Let's go" he said

I lifted a bit of my dress before walking.

Seungcheol oppa opened the door for me and I got in.

He opened the back door and put my bag in the back before he got in.

He looked over at me and I did the same before he smiled and drove to the location.

Choi Seungcheol POV

I drove to the location of the event but couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful Hayoung was.

She looks so perfect in anything.

I glanced at her as she was looking outside the car.

Soon we arrived at the location. There was lots of paparazzi and camera tonight because Mr. Bang is one of the wealthiest and biggest business owner in Seoul.

"Why is there so many paparazzi" Hayoung asked

"Mr. Bang is a wealth and one of the biggest business owner in Seoul that's why" I said taking my keys out the car.

I looked over at Hayoung and can tell that she was a bit nervous.

I held her hand. She looked at me.

"Don't be nervous. I'll be by your side. Just follow me okay" I said before she shook her head.

I got out the car and so did Hayoung.

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