Chapter 19

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Jeon Hayoung POV

We arrived at the wedding location. It was inside a huge church that Mr. and Mrs. Choi chose. The wedding doesn't start until 5 but it was already 4:20. My dad helped me out then helped my sister and my mom.

"Unnie you're wedding is so huge" she said jumping around.

"It's once in the life one plus it was Mr. and Mrs. Choi idea for a big wedding" I answered

"Let's go inside" my mom said

I walked up the stairs and into the church and I was amazed. There was flowers handing down from the ceiling. Chairs line along the wall next to each other. It was so beautiful.

"Let's go inside your changing room" my mom said

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"Let's go inside your changing room" my mom said

"Okay mom"

"Honey we'll be back. We are going inside the changing room real quick. Sooyeon you can go and look around" my mom said

"Yes mom!" Sooyeon said then ran away

Me and my mom walk to my changing room. Once we got there my mom placed me down on the couch and looked at me while holding my hand.

"Hayoung" she said

"Yes mom"

"Thank you so much for agreeing to this marriage. I couldn't raise you all your life but I raise you up till now and I'm so proud of the woman you became. You are my daughter now and in the future. I love you so much honey" my mom said

I tried not to cry by my mom sweet words.

"You're welcome mom. I should be the one thanking you. Thanking you and dad. For raising me up until now. All your life lesson and love I will forever keep even if I'm married mom. I love you and dad so much" I said and hugged my mom.

There was a knock on the door.

My mom wiped my face making sure I didn't have tears in my eyes.

"Come in" I said

It was Mrs. Choi.

"Hayoung are you read- omg you look so beautiful" Mrs. Choi said

"Thank you and yes I am ready" I said

"I'll go get dad to come here" my mom said and left.

"I'll go and make sure everything is ready" Mrs. Choi said.

They both left leaving me by myself in my changing room.

I sat back down and exhale.

Then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" I said

It was my dad.

"Ready sweetie?"

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