Chapter 28

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Jeon Hayoung POV

I was washing the veggies when the door bell rang. I dried my hand and went to open the door.

It was Joshua and the others.

"Hey guys" I said

"Hi Hayoung" Dino said

"Come in it. Seungcheol oppa and the others are upstairs" I said

I let all the guys in.

"Go upstairs that's where the others are at" I said

Everyone ran upstairs but Joshua.

"What are you doing" he asked

"Oh I'm cooking for you guys" I answered

"Do you need help"

"Ani it's okay. You hang out with the others" I said


Joshua then walked upstairs to where the others are at.

I walked back into the kitchen and finish up cooking.

Choi Seungcheol POV

"How is your marriage life hyung" Vernon asked

"It's going great. Hayoung is a great girl and a good wife" I said

"Aww is our hyung in love" Jeonghan teased.

"Yah I'm just saying Hayoung is a good girl"

Then there was a loud knock on the door.

"Who" Jun said


Woozi got up and opened the door to let the other guys in.

"Hey guys" I said

"Hi hyung" they said

"Sir we are catching each other up on life" Mingyu said

Everyone came in and sat down on the floor.

"Oh hyung" Mingyu said


"What are you going to do about Yoona" he asked

"Shit I forgot about her and her return to Seoul" I said to myself

"Im Yoona?!? Seungcheol hyung ex girlfriend?!?" Everyone said

"Yeah. A few days ago she can to my workplace" Mingyu said

"Hyung you need to do something! Like what if she hurts Hayoung or something" The8 said

"I know guys. As of right now I don't want tell Hayoung anything because I'm worried she'll think I'm still in love with Yoona"

"But you're not hyung. You're married now" Dk said

"I know I'm married but Yoona doesn't know that I am"

"What happens if she goes to your parents house and ask for you? What will your parents do? You know your parents thinks Yoona is a good girl" Jun said

"I know I need to think of something" I said

But our talk was interpreted by a knock.

"Guys the food is ready. Come down and eat" Hayoung said

"FOOD!!!" everyone said and rush towards the door.

Jeon Hayoung POV

"And finish" I said as I place the last food on the table.

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