Chapter 45

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Day of Seungcheol birthday

Because it was a Saturday both me and Seungcheol don't work today. I just woke up from my nap and It was already 5.

Me and everyone decided to throw a small birthday party for Seungcheol but we need a reason get him out of the house to decorate.

I started texting the group chat with everyone in it.

So how are we doing this Hayoung

I don't know. Maybe we can have Seungcheol father call him and say he have soemthing important to tell him?

That's a good idea. Seungcheol will most likely go to his house if his father calls for him!

Okay I'll call Mr. Choi


Okay thank you Joshua. see y'all soon!

I turned off my phone and walked downstairs.

I see Seungcheol oppa in the living on his phone before getting a call.

I smiled knowing it's Mr. Choi.

"Okay. I'll come over right now" he said ending the calls Rn fixing his pants. He looked up and see me on the stairs.

"You're up" he said

"Yeah. What's wrong" I asked acting like I don't know anything.

"My dad just called me and told me he need to talk to me. So I'll have to go over there now" he said

"Really? Okay hope everything is okay. I won't be home until late because my mom said seoyoen wants to hang out with me because it's been forever" I said

He patted my head.

"No worries. Let me know when you're home then. Ima go get ready" he said walking up stairs.

I reach for my phone in my pocket and texted the groupchat.

    He's leaving soon. Be sure to get everything ready. That includes the decoration and food!

    Got it Hayoung. Do not worry one bit.

I looked up and see Seungcheol all ready to leave.

"I'll see you later Hayoung" he said

"See you" I said

He left the house and drove away in his car.

I prepared to bake Seungcheol his cake.

I followed the instructions online but before I can start the door bell ring.

I paused nervously.

"What if it's Seungcheol oppa coming back for soemthing" I said to myself

"HAYOUNG!!! OPEN ITS US" Mingyu yelled

I sigh.

I took off my apron and walked to the front door.

I unlocked the front door and everyone ran in.

"Ummm what happened" I asked

"Nothing we saw Seungcheol hyung drive out the drive way and got scared he might had saw us" Vernon said breathing in heavily.

"I'm sure he didn't. I think he is clueless about eveything so we have about 2 hours to decorate and make the food!" I said excitedly

"LET GET IT STARTED" everyone said fisting their fist in the air.

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