Chapter 38

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Jeon Hayoung POV

We have been shopping for a while now but it is time for us to leave since me and Seungcheol are busy tonight.

We drop my mother off at home and drove off.

"Thank you for today" I said

"You're welcome" he said

I stared at the road when I notice something was off.

"Where are we going" I asked

He turned to me and smiled.

He drove us to

"Oppa why are we here?" I asked

"To get you glam up" he said before leaving the car.

I opened the car and got out.

We walked in and was greeted by a female employee.

"Good afternoon Mr. Choi, how can we help you today?" She said

"Please help my wife get ready and I am sure that Vernon and Hoshi can today to drop off our clothes"

"Yes they have. They are in the changing room." The female employee said

"Great. Please get her glam up" I said

"Okay. This way miss"

"Wait. When did you plan this" Hayoung asked

"Earlier today at the mall"


I called Vernon to ask him to do a favor.

"Hello" he said

"Hey Vernon I need you to do me a favor" I said

"What is it Hyung"

"I need you to go to my place and grab my tuxedo in my closet and Hayoung dress that is hanging behind the door to HX salon now. The house pin is 1101" I said

"Okay hyung. I'll bring Hoshi with me since he already heard what we are talking about."

"Thank you Vernon"

Then I ended called

End of flashback

"Yeah. That's when I told them" he said "now go get ready. Ima go get ready too"

I lightly push me inside and wave to me.

I turned to face the employee.

"Please have a seat miss"

I took off my purse and sat down.

"Mr. Choi have given us an idea of what he want you to look like" she said

"Oh okay"

They started with my makeup first. They clip my hair to the side and applied the primer.

As she was doing my makeup I was thinking of what Seungcheol is doing.

Choi Seungcheol POV

I walked into the a waiting room.

"Hello Mr. Choi, your tuxedo is already inside the room" the man said

"Thank you" I said and walked inside the room.

The tuxedo was laid on the chair. I took the tux and changed.

After changing, I walked out and sat on the dressing chair.

The employee started to do my hair.

After an hour I was already done with everything.

"Thank you" I said and got up

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"Thank you" I said and got up.

I walked back to where I left Hayoung.

"Where's Hayoung" I asked the female employee

"She is still getting ready sir"


I sat on the couch and waited.

As soon as I hear heels clicking I immediately looked up and saw Hayoung.

Her hair was done beautifully and her makeup just made her even more beautiful.

I couldn't stop staring at her.

Jeon Hayoung POV

"You're all set miss. You can get changed in that room over there" the female employee said

"Oh okay thank you" I said

I grab my purse and walked into the room that hand my dress hanging from the door.

I grab my dress and walked into the room.

I placed my bag and the dress down and looked at myself.

The female employee makeup skill is incredible and the hair is stunning.  I took off my clothes and changed into my dress.

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