Chapter 37

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Jeon Hayoung POV

Once we arrive to my parents house, I unbuckled my seatbelt and open the door not even waiting for Seungcheol oppa.

I knock on the door excitedly.

My mom opened the door.

"Hayoung what are you..." she said but stop when I hugged her.

"I came to visit you" I said no letting go of the hug.

My mom hugged me back.

We part from the hug.

"Where's your husband" my mom said

"Oh he should be.." I said

"I'm right here" Seungcheol oppa said with a bow.

"Oh my son in law" my mom said giving Seungcheol a hug. He hugged her back.

My mom and Seungcheol stop hugging.

"Come inside" my mom said

I walked inside happily and sat on the couch.

I patted the couch for Seungcheol to sit.

He sat down and looked around the house.

"Mom, why is it so quiet today? Where dad and Sooyeon" I asked

"Your dad went to work and Sooyeon went out" my mom said when she walked into the Lichtenstein and came out with two glass of water.

"Here some water you two" my mom said

"Thank you" we said

I grab the water and drank it.

"What are two doing here all the sudden huh?" My mom asked.

"I promise Hayoung we'll visit you guys today" Seungcheol said

"And then we have an event to go tonight" I said

My mom looked shocked.

"Then why aren't you guys getting ready? No need to visit me if you two are busy today" my mom said

"It's tonight mom at 6. It's only 1. We have a lot of time" I said

Me and my mom was talking about things while Seungchoel was just listening.

Choi Seungcheol POV

As Hayoung and her mother was talking, I thought of an idea.

"Excuse me but mother are you busy today" I asked

My mother in law look at me.

"Today...I don't think so" she said

I smiled.

I look at Hayoung as she gave me a confused look.

"How about going to the mall with us two? We need to go to the mall today anyways and since you're home alone why not invite you" I said

My mother in law looked shocked and confused.

"'s fine no need to invite me. You two should just go together" my mother in law said shaking her hand.

"Please come with us?" Hayoung said

My mother in law sigh.

"I guess going with you two won't hurt. Let me go get ready" she said

Hayoung hugged her mother.

Hayoung let go and my mother in law went to get ready.

I smiled at Hayoung as she smile at me.

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