Chapter 48

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Jeon Hayoung POV

It is already our third day of this vacation with Seungcheol oppa.

We went to the aquarium, the art museum, even the small shops around the area. Today we decided to go to the swimming pool that's in our hotel.

We are both still in our hotel room getting ready for the beach. It was only still 12 in the afternoon so we can spend a couple hours at the beach.

I got into my lavender two piece swimsuit and put on my white cover up. I decided to put my hair in a mess bun and apply my lip balm. I changed my purse to a small bag just for my wallet and phone along with the camera because I didn't want to care my usual bag.

I packed sunscreen, my shade, my lip balm, towels in the bag and put my small bag in it as well.

"Oppa are you ready?" I asked while checking the photo out.

The bathroom door opened and Seungcheol walked out with a tshirt and short on. He was tying his short string before looking up at me and stop.

I stared at him because I was confused on why he stop walking.

"Are you okay oppa"

"Umm're just...umm as beautiful as always.." he said shyly

I look down at the camera.

"Thank you" I said shyly. "Oh! Let's take a photo" I said waving the camera.

He nod before shyly walking towards me.

"We can take a mirror photo then a normal photo" I said adjusting the camera to capture the mirror photo.

"Mhm" he said

I looked at him confused.

"Oppa is unsual today..." I said to myself

"Okay. Ready?" I said coming back to my thought.


Seungcheol grab me by my waist and looking down at me while I was looking at the camera.

I took the photo and smiled widely as how cute the photo came out.

"Okay a normal one now" I said placing the camera on the table. "Let's sit" I said

I sat on the bed and Seungcheol sat next to me.

I wrap my arms around Seungcheols neck while he was holding my waist.

I through a peace sign in the air and the camera shot the picture.

I let go of Seungcheol and grab the camera.

"Okay! We can go now" I said putting the camera back into the bag.

I grab Seungcheol hand excitedly before we exit the room.

Choi Seungcheol POV

"Hayoung in that lavender swim suit...she look so sexy and beautiful..I can't help myself" I said to myself while Hayoung drag me out the wrong.

I stared at our hand and rethink about me wrapping my hand around her bare waist when we were talking pictures.

I smiled creeped onto my face.

Once we entered the swimming area, we lucky found two empty chairs with a table. Hayoung placed her bag in the table before taking out the sunscreen.

"Sunscreen Oppa?" She said shaking the bottle.

"Sure" I said

She squeezed some sunscreen onto my hand and I rubbed it all over my body.

"Hayoung, can you do my back" I said

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