Chapter 33

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Jeon Hayoung POV

As I finish cleaning I checked the time. It was already 2:38.

"Hey Seungcheol oppa" I said

Seungcheol oppa look up from his computer.

"Yeah Hayoung"

"Since you're still busy I'll leave first" I said

Seungcheol oppa checked his watch then press a button on his telephone.

"Yes Mr. Choi"

"Please call Mr. Lee and tell him I'll call him tomorrow because I have something to do as for right now" he said


Then the call end.

"I'll go home with you. Just wait a bit" he said

"But I can go home myself if you're busy plus I drove my own car" I said walked up to the front of his desk.

"It's fine I can go hone with you. Just give me a couple of minutes and as for my car I'll have my secretary drop it off later" he said

"Okay" I said and walked to the couch.

I was on my phone when I remember something.

"Seungcheol oppa"

"Yea" he answered without lifting his head.

"Who's I'm Yoona?" I asked

He stop what he was doing and look up.

I gave me a come here signal. I place my purse down on the couch and walked over to him.

He pulled me to sit on his lap and look up at me.

"Im Yoona, she was my ex girlfriend back in highschool. We were called the cutest couple back then. But I caught her cheating on me with another dude. Then she moved to America the next day" he answered

"What does Jiwon need to do with her" I asked

"Jiwon and Yoona were friends. They knew each other since high school too. Jiwon has a crush on me since the time me and Yoona started dating"

"Oh...." I said looking down

"What's wrong" Seungcheol oppa asked


"If you're worried that they both might take me away from you then you're wrong because I'm married now remember" he said showing mine his wedding ring.

I chuckled.

"Okay I'm not worried. Go back to your work so we can go home" I said pushing myself off of his lap and walk back to the couch.

I heard Seungcheol oppa chuckled.

I grab my phone and went on my social media.

10 minutes later

"Let's go Hayoung" Seungcheol oppa said buttoning his suit.

"You're ready" I asked

"Yeah" he said and got up from his desk and walked to me.

He grab my hand and smiled.

I got up and grab my purse.

He opened the door for me as I walk out his office first.

He close his door.

"Mr. Choi are you leaving right now" his secretary asked

"Yes. Later bring my car to my place. My car keys are on my desk" I said

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