Chapter 12

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Jeon Hayoung POV

"And finish" I said while placing the last candy on the frost.

"That's perfect" Seungcheol oppa said next to me.

I smiled at him.

"Thank you for your help" I said

"I'm glad you had fun today"

I look back at the cupcakes.

We made 6 cupcakes today.

"Can I get a photo of you two with your final cupcake" the teacher asked us with a camera in her hand.

"Sure" I said

I grab a cupcake and gave it to oppa while I was also holding one.

"Okay. One....two.....three"


"Thank you"

We placed the cupcake down and waited for further instruction.

"Okay attention everyone. There is cupcake boxes on the counter over there. Take as much as you need to pack your cupcake. Today lesson is over" The teacher said with a applause.

"I'll go get it" I said

I walked over to the counter and grab 6 boxes for your cupcakes. I came back and slowly putting the cupcakes in the box without ruining it. I also but the cupcakes into a medium size box. While I was doing that Seungcheol oppa was taking off his apron and putting it on the table.

Choi Seungcheol POV

I took off my apron and placed it on the table. I turned around and saw that Hayoung was still putting the cupcakes into the box but she was still wearing her apron. I grab the strings of her apron and untie it. She turned her head.

"It's okay oppa. I can do it" She said

"It's fine. You're still putting the cupcakes into the box. Continue and I'll untie your apron"

She shyly nod and turned around.

I finish untying her apron. She took off her the apron and put it on the table. I grab the box of cupcakes and we both walked out the building.

We got into the car and I gave the bag to Hayoung so she can hold it while I drive.

"Where should we go now" I asked

"I don't know. Anywhere is fine"

I begin to think of where we should do next but my phone rang.

"Hayoung can you please pick up my call and put it on speaker" I asked


She grab my phone and answer the call.

"Hello" I said


I heard many voices which means only one thing.


"Where are you" Dino asked

"I'm heading out with Hayoung"

"Hayoung?!" Vernon asked

"Yeah why"

"Can you come visit us" Seungkwan asked


"Because we miss you and you're about to get marry so why not" Dino whined

"Okay okay. I'll head there now"

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