Chapter 46

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Jeon Hayoung POV

Night before the vacation

I was in the room packing for the vacation tomorrow. Our plane is leaving at 10am so we have to get there early so I decided to pack tonight.

I grab mine suitcase and Seungcheol oppa suitcase and beginning packing.

I grab our pajamas and towel. I pulled my undergarments and toiletries into the suitcases. I packages some comfort T-shirts, sweats and some short just in case we stay in our hotel. Then I packed some cute dresses and cute outfit if we go out.

For Seungcheol suitcase, I packed his toiletries and his clothes like tshirts, button-ups, shorts, sweats. I can't forget his socks and undergarments.

I was almost finish packing when Seungcheol came into the room.

"Are you packing" he asked

"Yeah. I'm almost done tho" I replied folding Seungcheol tshirt into the suitcase.

"I could had pack my own" he said walking over to me.

"It's okay. I was already packed mine" I said closing his suitcase.

I turned around but bumped into Seungcheol oppa but luckily he grab me by my waist.

I looked up to him and smiled which he smiled back. He helped me back onto my feet and held my waist.

"I'm so excited for this trip with you" he said

"Me too" I said

He then went into the closet and came out with a bag.

"Here. A little gift for the trip" he said

I gave him a confused look.

"What is this" I said grabbing the bag.

"Open it up and you'll see"

I gave him a confused look before opening it up and was left shocked.

"What is this" I said taking the gift out of the bag.

"It's a camera so on this trip you can take photos for memories"

I looked at the camera before placing the camera down on the bed and jumping into a hug.

He was shocked but caught me. He gave me a hug back.

"Thank you!" I said

"You're welcome. Take many photos during the trip okay?" He died putting me down and petting me head.

I gave him a slight nod.

Tomorrow 7:45am

I woke up due to my alarm. Although our flight is at 10, I wanted to wake up early to cook breakfast.

I washed up and tied my hair to a mess bun before walking downstairs to make breakfast.

I looked some sausage and scramble eggs.

"You're up early"

I turned around and see a half awake Seungcheol coming down the staircase.

"I wanted to make breakfast before our long flight. Breakfast almost ready. Go wash up and come down" before turning back to what I was doing

I jumped when I felt Seungcheol wrap his arm around my waist.

Now that I think about it, Seungcheol is getting more and more comfortable with me. He starting to be more affectionate towards me which I don't mind because I was enjoying his present. I can't tell if I am falling for him...

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