Chapter 6

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Jeon Hayoung POV (I'm going to use Jeon instead of Oh for now on)

I was in the kitchen helping my mom with breakfast. I was mixing the eggs together for the omelet.

"Honey how was the car ride home last night with Seungcheol" my mom asked

"It was okay mom" I answered

"So how is Seungcheol" my mom asked

I hesitate.

"What do you mean mom" I said

"You know what I mean" my mom said looking at me "what do you think of Seungcheol"

"Umm he's a great guy I guess" I answered.

My mom chuckled

I pour the egg into the pan and flip the eggs.

Soon breakfast was ready.

I was sitting on my seat waiting for my dad and Sooyeon.

"Morning mom"

I look towards the door. It was Sooyeon.

"Moring darling. Go sit with your sister" my mom said


Sooyeon comes walking towards me.

"Morning Unnie" she said while sitting.

"Morning Sooyeon" I said

Then my dad came in.

"Ah my lovely daughters are already in here" my dad chuckled

Me and Sooyeon chuckled too.

"Hayoung was helping me cook and Sooyeon just got here" my mom said

"Mom! You could had said I help you too" Sooyeon said with a pout

We laugh.

I got out my seat and walked toward my dad. I held his arm.

"Come dad. Let's go sit" I said holding his arm.

My dad place his hand on my hand.

"I'll be sad seeing you leave us once you're married" my dad said

"I'll come visit dad" I said with a smile

My dad smile back.

I help me dad walk to his chair.

Soon we started eating.

"Oh, Hayoung you wedding is next week" my dad said

I look up.

"Next week? Isn't it too early" I asked

"It's not early. It perfect" my mom said "and today we are going shopping for your wedding dress. Seungcheol and his parents are coming too"

"Oh can I go buy myself a dress too mom" Sooyeon asked

"Sure" my mom said

I place my fork and knife down.

"I'm finish with my food" I said wipin my lips.

"Honey go get ready. Seungcheol should be coming soon" my mom said

"Yes mom" i said

I moved my chair back and walk out the dinning room to my room.

I took a quick shower and brush my teeth.

I change into a outfit.

I change into a outfit

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