Chapter 41

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Choi Seungcheol POV

I drove to work and as I got inside my office my dad came in.

"Son" my dad said

I got up and walked over to my dad.

"Yes dad" I said

"We have a business to do in Busan starting in two days. We have to go and sign the contract with the others companies. We will be gone for three days" my dad said

"Okay. I'll prepare as soon as possible"

My dad pat my shoulder and walked out.

I sigh and walk back to my chair.

I spin my chair around and look out the window.

"3 days....." I said

Jeon Hayoung POV

I just got back from grocery shopping. Right now I am putting all the things I bought away.

"Ramen goes in here...milk goes in the fridge...rice bag in the cabinet" I said to myself when the door rang.

I close the cabinet and walked to the front door.

I opened it and it was Dino, Wonwoo and Mingyu.

"Oh hey guys" I said

"Hi Hayoung" they said

"Come in in" I said and let them in.

"Do you guys want water" I asked

"Sure" Dino answered.

"Okay please go ahead and make yourself comfortable" I gestured them to sit on the couch.

I walked to the kitchen and prepare 3 cups of water and brought it to the living room.

"Here's your guys water" I said placing the waters down.

"Thank you" they said

"What bring you guys here" I asked

"Nothing much. We were close by so we decided to drop by. Seungcheol hyung at work" Wonwoo asked.

"Yes. He's working these few days"

"You don't work" Mingyu asked.

"No but I am looking for a job so I don't just stay home all day. It gets very tiring and lonely" I said with a chuckled.

"How about working at the place I'm working at? It's not far for here and we are hiring at the same time" Mingyu said

"Where at?"

""Frozen Bites"

"Frozen Bites? The ice cream by the mall?" I asked

"Yea that place"

"I'll love to work there" I replied.

"Great. Come by tomorrow at 12. I'll tell my manager"

"Thank you Mingyu" I replied.

"Hayoung Noona" Dino said

I turned my attention to Dino.

"Yes Dino?"

"You should visit us soon. We miss you and Seungcheol hyung" he said with a smile.

"I'll tell Seungcheol to visit you guys soon" I replied.

We talked for a few more bit until the sun started to go down.

"Maybe we should get going" Wonwoo said

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