Chapter 18

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Jeon Hayoung POV

We walked in and was greeted by the employee.

"Good afternoon Mr. Choi. Table for 2?" The employee said


We followed the employee upstairs to the second floor and was sat by the window at the end.

The employee gave us the menu.

"We will be back to take your order"

"Thank you" Seungcheol oppa said

"You know this place?" I asked

"Vernon family restaurant. We use to come here, here and there"

"How rich are your friends" I asked with a chuckled.

"We're rich. Rich enough to probably buy....3 private island probably"

"3?!" I said shocked

"Yeah at least 3" he said not looking up from the menu.

"How rich is each of your friends"

"Jeonghan's family runs a trading business. Joshua's family runs two mall here in Seoul and one in America. Jun's family runs a Chinese business in China. Woozi's family runs the largest agricultural market in Seoul. Hoshi's family runs two jewelry businesses. Wonwoo's family runs a famous gym in Seoul and Busan. Dk's family run the famous art school in Seoul. Mingyu's family runs a modeling business. The8's family runs two car shop in China and Seoul. Seungkwan's family runs a vocal academy in Jeju. Vernon's family runs a business in America which is a clothing line and also this restaurant . And Dino's family runs a dancing academy."

My mouth opens.

"They're that rich!?!?" I said

"Yep. They're that rich. That's how we all became friends"

I sigh then look up.

"What do you do" I asked

He look at me and put his menu down.

"You wanna know" he asked

I nod my head.

"My family runs the one number highest business and my dad is CEO and he passing that title down to me" he said

"So our of all your friends, you're the only CEO?"

He nod.

"That's impressive"

"Are you guys ready to order"

"Yes. Can I get a salad with water" I said

"Okay a salad with wat-"

"Cancel that order please?"

"Huh? Why" I said

He look at me.

"Can we get the steak with a side of fries along with the cheesecake and a bottle of wine? That'll be all" seungcheol oppa said

"Wait-" I said but was cut off

"Okay your order will be right up"

Then the employee left.

"Why you cancel my order?" I asked

"Do you really think I'll let you order a salad here at this expensive restaurant. Nope." He said

"But it's so expensive. I can't afford it" I said

"Don't worry. My treat" he said with a smile.

I sigh.

15 minutes later

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