Chapter 2

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Oh Hayoung

"Sooyeon I think this is enough" I said to her

"But Unnie there's still many things I have to buy"

"Like what"

"Shoe, cosmetic, and clothes Unnie"

"You already bought those. See" I said showing her the bags.

Shoepalace, Nature Republic, Love Culture.

"But unnie" Sooyeon shines

"Plus it's getting late. It's already....." I said taking out my phone.


"Fine let's go home Unnie" Sooyeon said walking towards the exit.

I sigh.

Bring Sooyeon to the mall is easy but taking Sooyeon out the mall is hard.

I follow Sooyeon and exit the mall.

We walked to the car. 

I opened the back of the car and put the bags inside the car.

I got in the driver seat while Sooyeon got in the passenger seat.

The car ride was silence.

"Sooyeon don't be sad that we left" I said focusing on the road.

"I'm not" she said

I chuckled.

"How about I bring you to your favorite ice cream shop tomorrow" I said

She looked at me in excitement.

"Really?! Can we go"

"Sure. I'm not busy tomorrow" I said

"You promise Unnie" she said

"I promise"

Soon we got home.

We got out the car. We walked inside the house. I turned to my right and told the maid to get the bags in the car.

They followed right away.

"Aww my beautiful daughters"

We both look in front of us. It was dad.

"Hi daddy" Sooyeon said happily running into his arm.

"How are you do my beloved daughter" my dad said to Sooyeon.

"I'm okay. Hayoung Unnie took me to the mall today"

"Again? How much did you spend this time"

"Aww come on dad. I didn't spend that much, right Unnie" Sooyeon said looking at me.

I chuckled.

"Yes she didn't spend that much" I said

"Oh great. Sooyeon go get wash up. It's getting late" my dad said

"Okay. Bye dad" Sooyeon said then peck his cheek.

My dad watch Sooyeon walk upstairs to her room then look at me.

"How are you doing Hayoung" dad said looking at me.

I bowed.

"I'm doing fine. Thanks for asking" I said

"Hayoung how many time do I have to tell you to not talk to me like that. Talk to me like I'm you're real dad" my dad said walking to me.

"" I said with my head low.

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