Chapter 31

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Choi Seungcheol POV

Once Mingyu and Sooyeon went there own way, the other went their way too.

"I guess it just you and me together" I said with a chuckled

"I'm fine with that. I mean we are married anyways" she said

My eyes widen.

"What" she asked

"Oh nothing...just surprised"


"Because I thought you don't acknowledge any of these marriage thingy"

"You know....I can get use to it" she said and walked away

I smiled.

"Me too Hayoung"

I jogged up to Hayoung and walked beside her.

"Where to first" I asked

"Ummm how about some rides? I mean that is why we are here"

"Okay which ride"

"How about.....Tornado?" Hayoung said pointing to the ride on her left.

"Okay let's go"

Three hours later

"Should we end our night on the ferries wheel" I asked

"Yeah. Let's go" she said

We waited in line to go on the ferries wheel.

"Please enjoy your ride" the worker said

"Thank you" we said

We got on the wheel and sat down.

Soon the ride started and we went higher and higher.

"Seungcheol oppa like at this view! It's so beautiful" she said shaking my arm

I laugh.

I took out my phone and secretly took photos of Hayoung as she gets up and look out the ride.

"Be careful Hayoung" I said

I put my phone away and pulled her down.

"Sorry I'm just excited. Oh let's get a photo together" she said taking out her phone.

"Come her oppa" she said dragging my arm.

We took selfies together smiling and making weird faces.

"You should use it as your wallpaper" I said

"Mhm I should huh" she said

She went to her setting and changed her wallpaper into the photo we just took.

She then showed it to me with a smile.


"Beautiful" I replied

She laughs.

Soon the ride was over and we got out the ride.

"Should we get something to eat" I asked

"Yeah. Let's go to the food court"

We walked to the food court to buy food before we leave.

"I'll text the other to wait in the front" I said taking out my phone.

"Okay I'll order. What do you want?" She asked

"Umm a hotdog and a cola please" I said


Hayoung went to order our food while I texted the others to wait in the front.

Soon Hayoung came back with our food.

"Ready" I said

"Yep let's go" she said.

I took the drinks and we both walked to the front gate.

Kim Mingyu POV


I took out my phone and check the message I got.

It was from Seungcheol hyung.

"Come to the front gate when you finish. Heading home soon"

I put my phone away and grab Sooyeon's wrist.

"What's wrong" she asked

"Nothing. Just got a text from Seungcheol hyung saying to met at the front gate because we are leaving soon"

"Oh okay. Let's grab a snack first then we can go" she said walking towards the food court.

I followed behind her.

"I want a soft pretzel please" she said "what do you want"

"Umm a churro please" I said

We waited for food then left to the front gate.

Once we got to the gate everyone was already there waiting for us.

"What took you guys so long?" Seungkwan asked

"We were waiting for our food" I asked

"Now that everyone is here. Let's head on home" Seungcheol hyung said

Sooyeon left my side and walk to Seungcheol car.

I smiled.

"Hyung what are you doing just standing there" Vernon asked

"Oh nothing let's go"

Jeon Hayoung POV

"Get in the car Sooyeon. We'll take you home" I said

"Okay unnie"

Sooyeon walked over to our car and got in. We drove to my parents house to drop off Sooyeon.

Soon we arrive at my parents place.

"Bye unnie! Thank you for the invite" she said

"Bye Sooyeon. Be careful and tell mom and dad I said hi"


Sooyeon got off the car and waved bye before entering the house.

I chuckled.

Seungcheol oppa drove off the drive way and drove home.

Once we got home, we took turn showering. I showered first then Seungcheol.

As Seungcheol was showering I dried my hair. I climbed on the bed and snuggled with the pillow. Soon I fell asleep.

Choi Seungcheol POV

I walked out the bathroom while drying my hair. I walked up to the bed but stop when I saw Hayoung sleeping soundly cuddling with the pillow.

I chuckled.

I throw the towel and slowly climbed on trying not to walk Hayoung up.

I scooted Hayoung closer to me and closed my eyes....and fell asleep.

~hey guys! It's your author! I'm sorry for not updating in a while. I'm busy with school so I can't update as much. I will be reducing the amount of words in each of my chapter so it can be shorter and easier to update. Hope you guys understand. Thank you and enjoy reading~

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