Chapter 10

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Hong Jisoo POV

I was in my room which I share with Wonwoo when someone knocked on the door.


"Come in" I said

The door opened and it was Vernon.

"What's up" I said

"Seungcheol and his fiancée are here" he said

"Okay I'm coming"

Vernon left the room. I got up from the bed and walked out to the living room.

"Hyung is coming" I heard Vernon  said

Everyone turned to look at me but I then look at Seungcheol hyung fiancée.


"Hayoung" I said

"Jisoo" she said

"You two know each other" seungcheol hyung asked

"Well we met before" I said

"Yeah" I said

"Well this is awkward" I said to myself

"Umm sit down hyung " Dino said to me.

I walked over to the couch and sat between Mingyu and The8.

"So Hayoung how is Seungcheol hyung" Seungkwan asked

"Well he's kind" she said

I smiled.

"For now" Woozi said causing everyone to laugh.

"Yah" Seungcheol hyung said

Everyone kept asking questions to Hayoung and I can tell she's struggling to answer everyone.

I chuckled.

"Joshua hyung. What's wrong" Jun asked

"Nothing jun"

Jeon Hayoung POV

It was getting late and we were watching a movie now.

"What time is it" Seungcheol oppa asked

"Ummm.....9:30" Dk said

"Do you want to go home"

I nod.

"Okay we'll heading home now"

"Aww already" they whined

I chuckled.

"Sorry guys. I'll come back to visit" I said getting up.

"Okay. Bye Hayoung"

Me and Seungcheol oppa left the house. We got into the car and drove off.

"How was it?" He asked

"They're friendly" I said

"I'm glad you like them"


He continue driving to my place.

"Well goodnight" I said opening the door.

"Night Hayoung"

I walked into the front of my house. I turned back to see if he was still waiting and he was.

I waved to him. He waved back. I took out the house key and walked in. I heard the car engine starting which mean he left. I smiled.

"Oh honey you're back" my mom said

I bow.

"Yes I'm home" I said hugging her.

"How was it?"

"It went well. Met some of his friends"

"Aww my daughter must be tired. Go wash up and rest okay"

"Okay night mom"

"Night honey"

I walked to my room. I walked in and grab my towel and clothes to shower.

After showering I got into my bed and fell asleep.

Choi Seungcheol POV

"I'm home" I said walking into house.

"Seungcheol did you drop Hayoung home" my mom asked

"I did mom"

"Okay. Tomorrow you and Hayoung will go a date" my mom said happily.

"Okay mom. Ima go shower and rest mom. You should too."

"Okay okay. Night darling"

"Night mom" I said and kiss her on the cheek.

I walked to my room and showered.

After showering I laid on my bed and thought about today.

I smiled thinking about Hayoung.

"Beautiful" I thought

Soon I fell asleep.

~Hey Guy this is your author. Sorry for not updating. I have school and it's stressing me out. I'll try to update as fast as possible. Thank you❤️~

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