Chapter 8

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Choi Seungcheol POV

Me, my dad, and Mr. Jeon were waiting at Starbuck for the my mom and them.

I was on my phone when a got a phone call. It was from Joshua. I picked it up.

"What's up Shua" I said

"Hyung where are you" he asked


"Oh okay. Hey hyung whats our fiancée name"

"Hayoung. Jeon Hayoung"


"Yes Hayoung"

"Okay that's all hyung. Bye"

Then he hung up.

"Ummm okay" I said putting my phone away.

"Honey. We're here"

It was Hayoung, her mom and my mom.

"What took you guys so long" Mr. Jeon asked

"Girls take a while when shopping okay" Mrs. Choi said

"Lets go home now" my mom said

They all left one by one.

I walked up to Hayoung.

"Here I'll carry it" I said trying to take the bags she was holding.

"'s fine. I can carry it"

"It's fine" I said grabbing the bag and waking out the mall.

Hayoung follow.

Jeon Hayoung POV

I walked out the mall following Seungcheol oppa.

Once we got to his car, he place the bags into his car.

"Let's go"

I walked to the passenger side while he walk to the driver side. He drove us home.

"So what happened" he asked

"What you mean" I said

"What did my mom do with you guys"

"Ah. She just bought stuff for the wedding and you know payed for us. About that, tell your mom I'll pay her back soon"

"Ani it's okay. For her future daughter in law, she's willing to pay"

I blushed.

"What did you buy" he asked

"Just a pair of heels for the dress"

"No jewelry or anything"


He got quiet. I look at him.

"Are you okay" I asked

"Yeah. You want to go get something to eat"

"Umm sure but let me call my mom"

I took out my phone and called my mom.

"Hello? Hayoung"

"Hey mom, me and Seungcheol oppa will be getting lunch"

"Oh go ahead darling take your time. Spend time with your fiancé"

I smiled and blushed

"Okay mom. See you later bye"

"Bye darling"

Then I hung up.

I look at Seungcheol oppa.


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