Chapter 47

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Jeon Hayoung POV

I did take a little nap on the way to airport but woke up before we got to the airport.

"Did you get enough sleep?" Seungcheol oppa asked

"Yeah. Are you tired" I asked

"Ani. If I am, I'll sleep on the plane" he said

We soon got to the airport.

We register ourself into the airport and waited for our flight to me called.

"Do you need anything before we get going" Seungcheol oppa asked

"I need to use the restroom"

"Okay. Let's go find the restroom"

We stroll around to find the restroom and when we finally found it, Seungcheol held onto my suitcase and I walked into the restroom. I did my business and walked out the restroom.



"Let's get going"

When we were walking back out flight was called so we walked to the gate and get checked in.

Once we got in, the attendees took our suitcase and we boarded the plane. Seungcheol was behind me guiding me holding onto my arms so I won't get lost or anything. When we found out seat I took the window seat and Seungcheol took the aisle seat.

I place my purse on my lap and look outside the window.

"I can't believe we are actually going to Hawaii" I said to myself quietly

"Me too"

I turned to face Seungcheol.

"It was only possible because of you" he said grabbing my hand.

I smiled back at him.

"Oh. Let's take a photo!" I said grabbing the camera Seungcheol bought for me.

We moved our head closer and did peace signs before I snap the photo.

I looked at the photo and smile.

"Cute!" I said

The plane is starting to take off so we both went on our phone and kill time because it'll take awhile to get to Hawaii.

About 2 hours later, I was reading my book when I turned to look at Seungcheol oppa and chuckled.

He was asleep. I took out my camera and took a photo of him sleeping and a photo of me making a funny face with him sleeping in the background.

I moved his hair out of his face but I accidentally woke up him.

"Hayoung..." he said still half asleep

"Mhm" I said

He grab my hand and rest his head on my shoulder.

"Sleep...." He said before falling asleep.

I chuckled.

I rested my head on his head before falling asleep too.

Choi Seungcheol POV

I opened my eyes and remember we are on the plane on the way to Hawaii.

I looked around and see Hayoung  sleeping on my shoulder (they switched position lol)

I chuckled. I looked down and see us holding hand.

I grab my phone and took a photo of our hands and put it as my lock screen. I then took a photo of us and used it as my Home Screen.

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