Chapter 27

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Jeon Wonwoo POV

I woke up to my room door being swung opened.

"Wonwoo hyung!! Get up we got to go" Dino said jumping on my bed.

"Yah Dino what are you doing? Get off of me" I said

"Wonwoo hyung go get ready!! We are going to Seungcheol house for a hangout"

"What? Today?"

"Yes now get up" Dino said then leaving my room with the door opened.

I groan as I lift myself from my bed.

Jeon Hayoung POV

I woke up to Seungcheol's phone ringing. Since he was still asleep I decided to answer his phone.

I checked the caller id and it was Hoshi oppa.

"Hello" I said

"Oh? Hayoung?"

"Yes it's me"

"Where's Seungcheol hyung" he asked

"He's still sleep"

"Oh sorry were you sleeping too"

"Yeah but it's fine. Did you need anything"

"Yeah yes. Me and the guys are coming over today just for a hangout"

"Oh okay I'll let him know when he's awake"

"Okay thank you"

"You're welcome"

Then we ended call.

I put Seungcheol's phone away and tried to wake Seungcheol oppa up.

"Seungcheol oppa wake up" I said shaking his shoulder


"Seungcheol oppa...your friends are coming over soon. So we need to go grocery shopping." I said

He opened his eyes.

"Who's coming over.." he asked

"All your friends" I said

"Ughhh!" He groan

I chuckled.

"Come in oppa. We need to go grocery shopping. We can't let them starve" I said

"To be honest...we can" he said with a laugh

I smack his arm.

"Let's go" I said getting off the bed and into the bathroom.

I brush my teeth and brush my hair. I changed into my outfit and walked downstairs.

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