Chapter 26

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Choi Seungcheol POV

I took off my shoe and changed into the clothes Hayoung gave me.

I lay my back on the headstand and put the blanket over me. I grab my laptop that was on the nightstand and opened it.

"I just need to finish this work" I said to myself

I was focusing on my work when Hayoung walked in.

"You should be resting not doing your work since you're not feeling well" she said as she placed the porridge on the nightstand.

I closed my laptop and put it away.

"I just need to finish this work then I'll be finish for today" I said

She smiled at me.

"Here. Here's your porridge. Eat it while it's still hot and warm" she said handing me the porridge.

"Thank you" I said and took the porridge.

I scoped some porridge into the spoon and ate it.

"Taste good" I said with a smile.

She smiled at me.

"Make sure you finish it. I'll be in the bathroom. I'll take your bowl when you finish" she said and walked inside the bathroom.

I chuckled.

After scope and scope of porridge I was able to finish it.

I placed the empty bowl on the nightstand and lay down in bed.

I close my eyes and soon fell asleep.

Jean Hayoung POV

I was doing my business in the bathroom when I recalled Sooyeon word about having a baby.

"Baby? It's too early for it" I said to myself

I walked out the bathroom and walk towards the bed when I notice Seungcheol oppa was already fast asleep.

I chuckled at the sight.

I grab the empty bowl and walked out the room.

I went to the kitchen to wash the empty bowl.

After washing the bowl I lay down on the couch and fell asleep.

Choi Seungcheol POV

I opened my eyes and realize I had fallen asleep.

"What time is it" I asked myself.

I turned on my phone and checked the time.

It's already 5:48.

I look around the room.

"Where's Hayoung"

I got out the bed and walked out the room to the guest room.

I opened the door.

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