Chapter 23

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Choi Seungcheol POV

I was focusing on my work when I checked the time.

It was around 11:30.

"It's already lunch" I said

I looked over to Hayoung and she was reading a magazine.

"Hayoung" I said

She looked up from her magazine.

"Yes" She said

"It's lunch time. You want to go get something to eat with me?" I asked

"Sure" She said putting the magazine down on the coffee table.

I got up from my seat and walked over to her.

"Let's go"

She grab her purse and walked next to me. We left the building and went to a restaurant for lunch.

We went to JJ Cooks which was a fancy restaurant.

I got out the car and walked over to her side of the car. I opened the door for her and she got out.

"Thank you" she said

I closed the door and walked beside her.

I opened the door and allowed her to enter first.

"Welcome. Table for two?" The employee asked

"Yes please"

We were brought to a table and order our food.

Jeon Hayoung POV

After we ate we went back to his office.

I sat on the couch on my phone when Seungcheol oppa called me.



"I might be home late. I'll call the driver and have the driver take you home"

"Oh okay"

We walked into the parking lot and waited for the car.

Seungcheol oppa turned to me.

"Make sure to get lots of rest and change ur bandage from our burn" he said

"Okay thank you"

The car pulled up in front of us.

Seungcheol oppa opened the door for me. I got in and he closed the door. I roll down the window.

"Don't work too much" I said

"I won't. Thank you" he said

Then the car drove off.

Once we reach the my house, the maid greeted me.

"Can you bring me the first aid kit into my room" I asked

"Yes ma'am" she said

I walked up the stairs into the master room.

I grab my towel and took a good warm shower. I changed into my sleeping clothes and walked out the bathroom.

"Miss here's the first aid kit" the maid said

"Thank you. Leave it on the night stand" I said drying my hair.

She leaves the first aid kit on the night stand and walk out the door.

I hanged my towel on the hanger and sat on the bed.

I applied the cream on my burned and wrap a bandage on my hand. I closed the kit and placed it away. I walked out the master room and into the guest room.

I took off the blanket and crawled into the blanket. I snuggled myself into the blanket and fell asleep.

Choi Seungcheol POV

I sigh as I finally finish my last piece of work.

I checked the time.


"She should be asleep by now" I said

I press the call button on the phone.

"Yes Mr. Choi?"

"Bring the car up" I said

"Yes sir"

Then I ended call.

I bring my coat and put it on. I turned off the lights and walk to the parking lot.


I got into the car and told the driver to drive home.

When the car pulled up to the driveway, the maid opened the door for me.

"Where's Hayoung" I asked the maid.

"Mrs. Choi had already fallen asleep sir"

I nod.

I walked up the stairs and into the master room. I walked towards the bed and noticed that Hayoung wasn't in bed.

"The maid said she had fallen asleep already" I said to myself.

I thought for a minutes then made my way out the master room. I opened the door to the guest room and walked in. There I see Hayoung sleeping on the guest bed.

I chuckled.

I bend down and grab her burned hand.

"It hurts doesn't it" I said quietly.

I kissed the top of the bandage and placed her hand back down.

I took off my shoe and my coat and placed them on the nightstand.

I crawled into the empty space next to Hayoung. She wraps her arms around my waist.

I smiled. I wrap my hand around her waist and fell asleep.

Jeon Hayoung POV

My eyes open as the sunlight shine in between my window curtains. I stretch my arms but stop when something blocks my way from stretching. I looked over my side and see Seungcheol oppa sleeping soundlessly. My eyes widen as I see him in the guest room.

"Shouldn't he be sleeping in the master room? That's why I slept in this room" I said to myself.

I quietly try to move his arm that was wrap around me off of me but as soon as I touch his arm he started to moved which caused me to close my eyes.

Choi Seungcheol POV

I woke up as soon as I felt something touching me. I opened my eyes and my eyes laid on Hayoung small and gently face. A smiled formed on my face.

I pulled Hayoung closer to me.


I look at Hayoung.

"Are you awake" I asked

She slowly opened her eyes.

She nod.

"Since when?"

"For a while now" she replied

"Seungcheol oppa..." she said


"Why didn't you sleep in the master room" she asked

"Why? I should sleep where my wife sleep" I said as I pulled her closer.

"'s not that..I thought that if I slept in the guest room you'll sleep in the master room"

I chuckled.

"Nope. I'll sleep where my wife sleep"

"Then I guess I should wake up and make breakfast" she said getting up.

"You can wash up and shower since you got home late last night" she said before walking out.

I smiled.


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