Chapter 32

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Choi Seungcheol POV

I woke up earlier then usual because of a meeting I have. I wore my suit and head downstairs. I grab a banana and head to my car.

When I reach the company, the employees were greeting me. I walked to my office but stop when I saw Jiwon on my chair.

"Oppa!" She said running towards me.

"What are you doing here Jiwon? It's working time" I said ignoring her and walk to my desk.

I sat down on my chair and opened my laptop.

"Well I'm here because I missed you. Ever since I came back from America you haven't contact me" she said walking to my side.

"I'm busy"

"Well... how about we get dinner after work"

"Sorry Im busy. I have to go home to my wife" I said looking up at her.

"I didn't know you were married. Since when" she said annoyed.

"We just got married" I said being monotone

"Well another time then.."

"Sir, the meeting is about to start" my secretary said

"Okay I'm on my way" I said standing and fixing my suit.

I walk towards the door but stop.

"Oh You go home. I'm busy" I said and walk out to my meeting.

Park Jiwon POV

Seungcheol oppa must just left me.

"Wife?? Well see" I said and walk out the company.

Jeon Hayoung POV

I woke up with no Seungcheol by my side.

"He's probably at work" I said

I got out of bed and washed up.

I finished washing up and throw my pajamas in the laundry basket.

I stop infront if the basket and thought of something.

"Let's do laundry. Even though it's still early in the week it's better than nothing" I said grabbing the basket and walk downstairs into the garage.

I put the clothes inside the washer and turned it on. I pour in the powder and started it.

I walked back inside the house and into the kitchen. I checked the clock that was hanging inside the kitchen.

"It's almost lunch time. Should we bring lunch to Seungcheol oppa" I asked myself "yea I should make him something to eat in case he can't have his lunch"

I opened the fridge and took out some ingredients to make bulgogi.

I started cutting up the meat and the sauce.

I stir fried the meat until it was ready then added the sauce I made from the internet.

"Have this sit for a while while I go dry the laundry" I said placing the spatula down.

I walked back into the garage and took out the wet clothes and put it inside the dryer.

As I walk back inside the kitchen, I walked into the cabinet and took out the lunch box. I washed the box and added some kimchi and pickle radish as a side dish.

I stir the bulgogi and tasted it.


I scoop some bulgogi inside the lunch box with rice and closed it.

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