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I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. Wiping the sleep out my eyes i took in my surroundings.

Glacing over at the bedside clock i could see that it was almost noon. Where was demi?.

Sighing I threw the covers off of me going in to the bathroom to freshen up. Once done trudging out of the room. I could hear demi singing from a distance so i followed her voice.

There she stood in the kitchen making sandwiches with headphones in her ears singing her heart out.

She had a really nice voice she should think about becoming a singer or something vocals like that shouldnt be wasted.

Deciding to scare her I sneaked behind her crouching low making sure she couldnt see me.

I Jumped on her back and she screamed  we both tumbled to the floor. I was in hysterics as she glared at me helping us both up off the floor.

"Was that necessary Melissa?" I could see the hint of a smile she was holding back.

Giggling i shrugged my shoulders taking the nearby stool as she stood across the island continuing to make our sandwiches.

"What you making?" i asked

"Tuna sandwiches since its lunch time and you slept all day" she laughed

"How long you been up?" I questiond as she placed the sandwich in front of me.

"Since 8 Im a early riser plus i had things to take care of"

At first i was hesitant not wanting to eat it all of the sandwich just in case she gets mad. I wasn't aloud to eat all of my food at the care home the little that cluadia used to give me.

Demi stared down at me watching my every move. "What" I snapped not liking the concerned look in her eyes. She held her hands up in surrender.

"Nothing just observing" she said.

"Well don't its werid and annoying"

She nods understanding and I went back to taking small bites out of my sandwich. I could feel her eyes still on me. But just ignored her the best I could which was really hard.

Neither of us spoke about last nights events we just ate in silence something that im used too.

Finishing about more than half of the sandwhich I began to grow full.

Pushing the plate in front of me I got the sudden urge to dispose of what I just eaten.

That's the most I've hand in weeks and it didn't set right with me. I was uncomfortably full.

"Are you okay?" I looked up at demi Nodding.

"I'm just going to lay down for a bit then I'll be on my way" I went to run out of the room but her hand held me back.

"Melissa you're not going anywhere I have to take you back to the care home"

"I'm not going back there you can't make me" I snatched my arm away.

My body was tense was she really going to take me back there seeing all they done?.

"M-." She began

"No don't Demi I'm fine I never asked for your help. I don't need it I stayed here for the night that's it."

I had to get out of here grabbing my bag that was by the door I hurriedly stepped in to my pants.

Demi was standing by the door arms crossed.

"Move Demetria" My jaw clenched she was really pushing it if i was her i would leave while she can. I was on the verge of losing controll and thats not good for nethier of us especially demi.

"No, You're not leaving intill we talk" She stubbornly answered.

"I don't have time for this" I sighed by now Claudia would have realized I was gone and the authorities would have been called.

"Just hear me out okay? And if you don't agree I'll let you leave I promise" here she goes again with the promises.

"Fine" I grumbled dropping my bag heading over to the couch waiting to hear what she had to say.

But the next words that came out of her mouth were totally unexpected.

"How do you feel about me adopting you?"

The Unwanted adoption (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now