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Time flies by fast when your mom is a huge popstar, because before I knew it. She was leaving for tour. The only bright side to everything was Asia was spending a week over. We've become inseparable over the last four weeks. I've never thought I would get close to anyone.

"So have you even met this friend of your moms that's supposed to be watching over you?"

I slumped into the bed next to her letting out a dramatic breath, "She's supposed to introduce me today. We're both meeting her."

Asia laughed, "I bet you ten dollars she's a total bitch and you're going to have the worst four months of your life."

I punched her in the arm,"Shut up you just jinxed me! I'm telling you now if she comes in here ordering me around I'm not staying here."

She grinned. "Well bitch you're always welcomed at my house."

We were interrupted by my mom calling me downstairs. I took my hair out of the ponytail letting my afro free, pulling Asia with me as we both trailed down the stairs.

Demi stood in the living room with a blonde hair lady. I took a moment to look her over, she wore ripped jeans a white crop top and sunglasses.

Demi smiled grabbing my hand and pulling me towards her friend, "Melissa this is Marissa! She's going to be here while I'm away."

Marissa kneeled down to my height clasping my hands in hers, "Hi sweetheart."

My breath hitched in my throat, I let go of her hand taking a step back, something was off with this girl. I looked up to demi with pleading eyes and she took the hint saving me from a possible panic attack.

"Um, let me show you to your room Mar."

Once they left Asia rushed over to me wrapping her arms around my neck pulling me into a hug. "You gotta calm down boo. It's alright."

Listening to her voice I took a couple deep breaths focusing on her breathing and that seemed to do the trick. Once I was back to my normal self Asia bombarded me with questions.

"What the hell?? She triggered you like that?" She wheezed.

I shook my head, "I don't know why I reacted the way I did. There's just something about her that is off."

"Off?" She pressed, "as in what?"

"Let's just forget it. Its probably nothing and I'm overreacting." I dismissed. No longer interested in this conversation.

Asia took my hand and led me to the movie room and turned on a horror movie. We were cuddled into each other as she dug her hands in the bag of chocolate coveted peanut's stuffing them in her mouth.

"You're such a pig." I laughed, looking up at her.

"I know." She grins, "I get it from my daddy its one of my best qualities."

The movie was intense and just when the demon kid was about the kill his parents mom and Marissa walked into the room switching on the light. Asia and I groaned as I buried my face more into the covers.

"Come on girls we're going out to dinner." Demi said.

"I'm not hungry we just ate a share size bag of chocolate peanuts." I told her, pointing at my bloated belly. "I can't fit anything else in there."

"Do you usually let her eat junk before dinner?" Marissa chimed in, "isn't there some rule about junk food before dinner?"

My eyes narrowed at her, who was she to tell me what I could and couldn't eat? Just as I was about to say something I felt Asia squeeze my thigh in warning.

"I didn't know they were down here eating." Demi told her, "We can just order in its no big deal."

"Why should you have to cancel reservations because she doesn't want to eat? That isn't fair to you. This is your last night here and you should go out." Marisa interjected.

This bitch....

She did had have a point, this was Demi's last night and I should be spending every breathing moment I could with her. "Give me some time to get dressed."

Marissa was pleased with my answer and sent a fake smile my way. Demi seemed to believe this act she was putting on with liking me. I could see right through it, she wasn't fooling me.

Soon enough we all piled into the car to some restaurant in down town la. We were bombarded by paparazzi and it was my first time actually being in the middle of all the chaos. It was so overwhelming that I found myself shutting down in that moment. I stopped walking and I slammed my eyelids shut, taking a breath I opened my eyes and i wasn't with demi I was in a dimly lit basement.

I could hear my parents arguing by the door about money, there was a ache between my legs and my clothes were shredded. I wasn't alone this time, there was a man standing in the corner, watching me. He had a sickening grin on his face as he buttoned up his pants.

'Until next time sweetheart'

"Melissa! Baby girl come back to me!" I listened to the voice that seemed so far away. Eventually opening my eyes and seeing demi hovering over me worriedly. She breathed a sigh of relief as I sat up taking in my surrounds.

I was on the floor In the restaurant!

I glanced over to my side to see Asia with a frightened look on her face. I hated that she had to see this. See how crazy and fucked up I really am. Demi helped me up and pulled me into her arms.

"I'm sorry I left you I shouldn't have knowing about your PTSD and how easily you get triggered." Demi cried as she lifted me up and carried me to our table in the back of the restaurant.

I buried my head into her neck letting the tears flow. "Momma I was so scared."

"Sshh, " she cooed, "its alright baby girl. I'm here it's all over."

"Don't leave me," I sobbed into her chest all my emotions flowing out of me at once. "Please don't leave me, you can't leave me you promised you wouldn't."

"Melissa." She signed tiredly, "I'm not leaving you, don't you remember what I said the day we went to Disney? Leaving means not coming back. That's the opposite of what I'm doing. I'm coming back, we'll facetime everyday and you can fly out a couple times and visit me."

"No!" I shouted shooting up from her lap, alerting everyone in the restaurant. "How could you leave me knowing how I struggle when you aren't there! I don't even know her and you're trusting her enough to take care of me for four months!!"

My eyes were blurry with tears as I continued, "This is why I didn't want to be adopted by anyone! I told you this would happen and you didn't listen! You promised and I stupidly believed you. I should've never grown attached because now you're leaving and I'm all alone."

By now demi was crying and in this moment I didn't care. I was hurting inside way more than she was. I trusted her more than anyone, I thought of her as my mother and for her to go on tour for that long and me be all the way across the country from her felt like my mother was leaving me for a second time. And the pain that was gripping inside of me I couldn't fathom.

For so long I wanted a family, and this time I get one only for her to be a popstar that travels the world for a living. Yes, I didn't want to be without demi, I could handle a couple hours maybe even a day but months without her? I couldn't do it. I was getting so worked up about this because I didn't believe her when she said she was coming back. They all say that, I didn't have enough fingers to count how many times that was told to me throughout my life. And only a handful of them actually returned.

I knew I had separation issues, we figured that out at my first home. My parents left me, and every time I thought about it a little voice was telling me that demi was going to do the same.

And I believed it more than anything because it was always right.

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