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"Rise and shine Mel we have a busy day." Demi's voice rang throughout my room and I groaned hugging my pillow tighter to my chest hoping she'll go away.

But to my dismay, she pulled the covers from over my head and snatched my pillow from my grasp. "What the fuck!" I shouted sitting up in the bed.

Her eyes narrowed slightly, "Watch your language."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah" I rolled my eyes shoeing her off, "Go away Whatever you want I'm not going and I'm not interested."

"Well too bad, I have an interview and you're going with me I'm not leaving you here alone." She said, I could hear her shuffling through the racks in my closet.

"Why can't I stay here? It's not like I'm going to run away or anything. You don't have to worry about that at the moment." I told her.

"I'm not scared that you're going to run away, Melissa. I just want you with me when I'm out. I can't leave you here by yourself you're only 12." She replied.

"All I hear are excuses" I singed, walking into the bathroom.

After I took a shower and put on the outfit that demi picked out. It was a cute summer dress and it had a short Jean jacket to go with it and I wore some flats instead of heels because I just couldn't walk in heels to save my life.

We were going on some show called jimmy Fallon, demi said it was a late night talk show and she was best friends with the guy. We arrived to his studio after almost four hours of driving traffic was a bitch.

Demi held my hand and guided me through the crowd. I was glued to her side afraid to let go. When we finally got in she still held my hand and I gave her a look but she paid no mind to it and continued walking.

"BFFFFFFFFFFFFF" Demi shouted, and this guy in a blue suit turned around, grinning. They hugged and he kneeled down to my height which was unnecessary because I was almost taller than demi, and shaked my hand.

I looked at his hand for a couple moments debating if I should, when I felt a nudge in my side. "I'm Melissa. It's nice to meet you"

"We need to work on your shyness, and attitude when greeting people." She said, as we walked into a room that had her name on it.

I rolled my eyes, racing over to the couch plopping down on my back. It was fairly comfortable maybe I could take a nap.

"You shouldn't lay with your legs wide open, for one you're a girl and two you're wearing a dress." She scolded.

I groaned rolling over on my stomach, "You and I both know I have shorts on under this, And I don't care its just us and your team in here any way chill"

My phone buzzed in my purse and Richards name flashed across the screen causing a smile to form on my face.

'Hi, Melissa its Richard from the party. '

I decided to mess with him just because I was bored.

'Sorry, I don't know a Richard. '

'You gave me your number then we kissed'

My face grew hot as I shook my head smiling at the thought of our kiss.

'It must've been a bad kiss if I don't remember'

'I know this is you stop playing with me'

'You're no fun!!!!'

Demi's voice interrupted me from my own little world talking to Richard, "I'm about to go to sound check, you can either stay here with holly or you can come with me."

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