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It's been almost a week since demi visted the care home . And thing's went back to normal I spent most of my time locked up in my room.

As i predicted once demi left Claudia went on a rampage. And Like always she took all her anger and fustrated out on me.

After hours of her beating a whipping me i layed helpless on the ground in a fetal position begging her to stop.

When she was satisfied with herself Claudia left me their bleeding out on the wooden floor.

I'm still recovering from that beating it's never been this bad. So here i am a week later locked up in my room.

Literally locked up after Claudia delivered my beating she took the master key with her. Only opening the door to give me stale bread and water.

"Melissa?" Sandy's voice broke me out of my thoughts. I turned around to face her hunched over peeking threw the door.

"What are you doing up here?" I hissed struggling to stand up . "Are you stupid? Do you know how much trouble you can get in for coming up here"

She shrugged letting herself into my room. "I'm helping you escape" she says in a serious tone.

I dryly chuckled."Escape as in run away? Have you officially lost your mind"

"I'm trying to help you!" She protested.

"Help me? That's a suicide mission if I was to hypothetically get away I will only be picked up on the street by a cop and sent back to my social worker"

Was she crazy? I'm already on probation.

"But atleast you would be sent to a different care home" she said quietly. "Melissa you can't keep living like this your going to die up here"

"If only I were so lucky" I muttered under my breath. Hoping San didn't catch it.

"Would you atleast think about It? I have it all figured out Claudia is going out ton-" she began but I cut her off.

"Why are you helping me san? I surely don't deserve it"

"Because your my friend and I hate seeing  the people I care about suffering. You don't deserve this lissa" we both had tears in are eyes as she held her open arms out for a hug.

I limped over trying to ignore the pain shooting threw my body. I launched myself into her open arms.

She was my friend I actually had a friend and someone who cared about me and it felt good.

We hugged for what felt like hours but was only minutes. As we discussed the plan she had all figured out.

Once the clock striked 8 as planned Claudia left leaving one of her Co workers in charge.

Me and Sandy payed are last farewells and promised to keep in touch.

She distracted the worker as I slipped out the front door with my bookbag filled with my belongings.

which was only the three pairs of change clothes that I actually owned.

The cool Philadelphia air hit me as I strolled down the busy streets avoiding the cops as best I can.

It wasn't long before I found my way downtown. Was there always this many people out at night?.

Hours went by as I aimlessly walked down different streets not knowing where to go. The deeper I got into the city the more police activity I came across.

"Hey kid!" Somebody yelled and I could hear heavy footsteps running up to me.

I turned around to see a police officer jogging towards me. All color drained from my face.

I can't go back to the care home.

Pushing pass people I ran down a alley way. I looked over my shoulder to see the officer was no longer behind me.

I found myself near the back entrance of the Hilton hotel. A worker walked out the back entrance. Smoking a cigar and I slipped threw the door before it closed.

Nobody noticed me as walked threw the kitchen ducking behind waiters.

I soon found my way towards an elevator without being seen.

I mentally high fived myself for not getting caught. All those years of hiding from my parents. Actually payed off who would of known.

"What floor should I go to?" I wondred.

"Just pick a floor kid some people have things to do" a voice snapped from behind me and I rolled my eyes.

Clicking the tenth floor don't ask me why I picked 10 because I don't know. I was just going to hide out here intill morning.

Stepping out the elevator I was truly exhausted my body ached I had to sit down. I was on the verge of collapsing.

Dropping to my knees my back against the wall I layed my backpack beside me using it as a pillow.

Sleep was just about to hit me when I heard that familiar voice that brought warmth to my heart.

"Melissa?" the person asked.

My eyes still blurry from sleep I blinked a couple times trying to figure out who was standing Infront of me.


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