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Ever since demi posted that God awful picture of us, she looked great but me? Ha! I looked like a fucking trash bin. My notifications have been blowing up. My phone shut itself off twice because of the notifications it was getting.

Her fanbase was truly insane, everyone was freaking out. Wanting to know who I was, where I came from. She showed me how to turn them off but I was actually fine with it... It was kinda cool.

But of course she had to give me a long lecture about the dangers of the internet and how I can't trust anybody and shouldn't give them any of my information. Phone number, where we live etc blah blah blah.

Not like I would give them anything anyway, I mean who does that? I actually wanted to kill demi when I saw the caption she put.

"Meet my new daughter oh yes, shit just got real.. And she's gonna hate me for this but I love you baby girl. You are one of the best things that has ever happened to me love mommy"

I was so tempted to go on her account and delete the tweet but it got over 30,000 RTs in minutes she broke twitter.

"I can't believe you put 'love mommy' really demi?"

She grinned turning the channel to ID "Even if you don't wanna call me mom, I'm still legally your mom and I just wanted it to be cute and sweet"

"Yeah well cute for you, weird for me bc I know you're gonna be one of THOSE parents" I said.

"Hey" she whined, "I'm new at this too but I promise not to embarrass you"

We layed on the couch watching crime shows for the rest of the night before heading off to bed. She woke me up the next morning bright and early to take me to the mall. She had rented the whole place out just so we could shop for the day.

She got me a bunch of unnecessary clothes whatever she found cute she picked up. I wasn't used to the girly stuff you could say because I never had it. But I had to admit demi had really good taste because everything she picked up so far was fire.

I was actually excited to wear this stuff out and try it on. After buying just about everything in the stores demi scheduled me a hair appointment in the mall salon. And they trimmed my ends and tamed my curly thick hair. And once it was straightened my hair was down my back. I never knew it was that long.

They did my make up really pretty, I wasn't a big fan of makeup but when everything was said and done I looked like a completely different person.

"Wait, let me get another picture!" Demi squealed as I stood there an annoyed look on my face. I had on one of the outfits she had picked out for me. The best part about it was this killer leather jacket with spikes.

"That's enough pictures demi, I'm hungry can we please get something to eat now?"

"Fine" she huffed, leading me to the cafeteria where I just about ran to the McDonald's.

"What can I get you?" The cashier smiled.

My eyes lit up as I told her my order, "Can I get a double cheese burger, medium. Coke as a drink and um a Oreo mcflurry."

Demi then ordered some chicken nuggets for herself and we ate in one of the booths. "So how do you feel about going to school?"

I shot her a look, "Its July demi, school isn't in yet"

"I know that silly" she playfully rolled her eyes, "But registration is going to start soon, at least to the school I want you to go to"

"And what school did you have in mind? Please don't tell me its some snobby rich, white people school where everyone has a foot up there ass. Because if it is I'm not going you shouldn't waste you're money." I stated.

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