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The sound of vigorous beeping and loud whispers around me woke me up from my sleep. Grunting, I shifted to my side only to feel a yank on my arm that had me shooting up from my bed in pain.

"What was that-"

I stopped myself mid sentence, finally taking notice of my surroundings this was not my room. And the room i was in was filled with Demi's friends and some other people I've never seen before.

But the one person needed I couldn't find. Demi. My eyes scanned the room double checking for her. But still nothing.

Again I felt the same overwhelming feeling I was all too familiar with. The heart monitor beside me began to go off and nurses flooded the room kicking the random people out.

"Melissa," the blonde nurse who's name tag said Nancy on it spoke gently, "You have to breathe for me you're going into shock."

"I want demi" I cried scooting away from her, "I need demi, where's demi." I shouted.

Both of them looked at eachother as if they were talking telepathically. Nancy pulled a needle out of her pocket. Causing my eyes to widen.

No way was I letting her stick that in me. I was in panic mode. And in one swift movement I knocked the needle out of her hand before leaping out the bed.

The IV was still in my arm so when I jumped the machine crashed to the ground and it was ripped out of my arm in the process Causing an burning sensation to form.

Once I was out of the room I went left because the other hallway was semi packed. I could hear them calling my name but that only made me more determined to run faster.

My legs were still partially asleep. And I was growing more tired by the time I reached the bottom of the steps. Which was odd but I dismissed it blaming it on the drugs they gave me.

An alarm sounded throughout the hospital it was code red.  I stopped for a minute to listen to what they were saying also to catch my breathe, but that was a big mistake because two security guards came around the corner charging towards me. I was trapped between them and a door that had to be key swiped.

"Melissa if you don't come with us willingly, we're going to have to use force." One said, taking a threatening step forward.

"I'm not going with you only for them to drug me again. I want to be taken to demi!" I hissed.

Both of them advanced forward at the same time trying to confuse me but when they went to grab my arm I twisted them back while kicking the other guard where the sun don't shine.

He fell to the ground in a heap and I released big foots arm (that's what I named him because he was really tall) stomping on his foot as hard as I could before kneeing him in the groin also. By the time I was done both of them were on the floor groaning in pain.

Not wasting anytime knowing more were on the way I jogged down the hallway trying to blend in as much as possible. I needed to find an exit and quick. Noticing a children's waiting room I walked in seeing a lady sitting by her child on her phone.

Walking up to her, I smiled sweetly, "Excuse me miss, may I borrow your phone to call my..." My breathing hauled for a second and she looked up at me confused. "M-Mom"

Did I really just call demi my mom??

I vowed never to speak those words again in my life and I just did after so many years. She gave me her phone and I dialed demis number she picked up on the first ring.

"Melissa Anna Lovato! Where the hell are you? The hospital is on lockdown and I've heard you've beaten up two security gaurds??" She scolded.

Well this isn't the welcome I was expecting but her voice did calm me down. Which caused me to finally break. "M-Mom" I cried into the phone. "Please come get me I need you." I hiccupped.

I heard shuffling on her end before she asked, "Where are you baby?? I cant come get you if you don't tell me."

I gave her the room I was in and in a matter of two minutes she came rushing Into the room with max and some other security engulfing me in a hug. I sobbed into her chest clutching her shirt, wanting all the comfort her scent, her presence, was giving me. I greedily took it in, my arms and legs tightly clinging to her body as she stood up.

Burying my head in her neck I closed my eyes as demi talked with one of the doctors asking if she could take me home.

Knowing that demi was here and I wasn't alone anymore. Gave me enough security to fall asleep on my own. I woke up a couple hours later still in Demi's arms but this time we were on the bed.

Her eyes were closed so I guessed she was sleeping. Her phone was in the middle of us so to pass time by I punched in her pass code looking through it.  I don't know what possessed me to go online but I did and as soon as I saw the trending topic on twitter was about my 'mental breakdown' I felt a cold chill run down my back.

Millions of people were talking about me... Calling me crazy and how I'm just like my mother I guess they're referring to demi. There was even articles about my past they accessed police records and everything. My darkest secrets were put for the world to see.

I didn't notice I was crying until I felt a hand wipe my cheek.

Demi sighed, before talking the phone out my hand. "Come here baby girl" I crawled closer to her a sob escaping my lips.

These people are judging me, bashing my name, my story, without even knowing me.  I wasn't crying because I was sad I was crying because I was afraid, angry.

Angry at the fact that they think I'm using demi to get out of police trouble. Angry that people are saying I don't deserve any of this that I should've been left on the street where I belonged. I was angry at the racial slurs I saw and the stereotypes people made of me because I was black.

But above all that I was afraid, afraid that demi would see these comments and start to believe them. I'm afraid that she'll toss me on the side of the road and never look back.

I cried until there were no tears left just the aching of my heart and the numbness of my thoughts were all that was left. Demi didn't say anything, she just held me, her grip got tighter with each  sob that left my body. She held on to me as if I was fragile which I was. She was holding me together as if she let go I would break into microscopic pieces. Lost forever.

Later on in the day I had more test done and they end up putting me on anxiety medication and a couple other things to help with my aggression also since demi told them about my anger problem's.

The next day I was released, and demi and I still haven't talked about yesterday.

"There's alot of paparazzi outside, you don't speak to anyone and you look straight ahead ok?" I nodded my head tossing my bag over my shoulder.

Demi gave me my phone and just before we walked out the main doors I put my head phones in. Blasting the first song that came on shuffle which was can't feel my face by the weeknd.

"How long will it take for this to blow over?" I asked once in the car.

"Probably a month" demi said carelessly

"A month?!!!" Was she kidding me? She had to be joking.

She chuckled at my reaction, "You're my daughter Melissa you were already the biggest news of 2018 but now they want to know everything about you. The media is feeding off of this story ."

"But don't they have better things to worry about then me?"

"Nope, its all about the money once they sell this story and run with it. They'll profit a bunch and start seeking people from your old life to find the gossip about you before they paint the media picture of you."

"You mean from my care home??" This just keeps getting worse.

"That information is private but they'll find a way so yes. That's why we have to jump ahead of this before them. I'm having a press conference tomorrow." She said.

To be honest I didn't care what she told them I just hoped that after all this things would quiet down. But boy was I wrong things could get worse.


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