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Demi didn't leave my side the whole time, she stayed by me every step of the way. Even my therapy sessions as I tried to regain my memory. I was remembering bits and pieces from that night. But I only saw faces and not names.

Which really wasn't helping. At least for the investigation that was going on. They needed more, I tried to talk demi out of pursuing this but she just wouldn't let it go. That someone actually tried to kill me.

I personally didn't think that was their intention, it was an accident, accidents happen right?

The only bright side to all of this was that they were releasing me. I had asked demi if I had friends or if anyone from that party came to visit me in the hospital and she said no.

Why was I feeling disappointed when she said that? I shouldn't be surprised that I didn't have friends. Demi was sitting beside me talking on the phone. We were in the car now on our way to her apartment.

"Demi, " I whispered shaking her arm, she hung of up phone looking down at me. I didn't mean for her to end that call with whoever she was talking to, it seemed kinda important.

That's one thing I noticed about her since I woke up from my mini coma. She's been really.... how do you say it? protective. Like she is always with me and won't let me out of her sight. And she drops everything for me. Even her work

"Yes baby girl? Is everything okay?"

I nodded resting my head on her shoulder as she drew soothing circles on my back, "Yes, I'm fine. But I kinda had an idea... I don't want to bother you with it though it's just..."

"You don't have to be afraid to ask, I'll give you anything as long as it's reasonable." She said, chuckling a bit.

"Can we do something fun?" I asked, "Like maybe an amusement park?"

Her eyes lit up, "Do you want to go to Disney land?"

"Yes!" I agreed, "I've never been to Disney."

She didn't look the least bit surprised, "Well that's going to change baby girl. We'll go tomorrow and spend the day there."

We arrived home and there was a car out front that seemed familiar, I just couldn't put my finger on it. When we pulled up a boy got out with bright red hair. When he seen me he's eyes lit up and butterflies formed in my stomach.

"Stay in the car Melissa." Demi ordered getting out and walking over towards the boy.

I stayed rooted in my seat watching them talk from the distance. Everything was going fine until I heard my name being called.

I got out of my seat walking over towards them, "What's going on here?"

"I just want to talk to you." The boy said, "Since your mom forbid me to come to the hospital."

"So you thought it was better to trespass on to my property?" She hissed, "When I say stay away, I mean stay away."

"Demi, " I interrupted, "Let's just hear what he has to say."

She huffed but nodded, "I'm staying here though, whatever he has to say to you, he can say in front of me."

He didn't seem to mind and began speaking, "I'm really sorry for what happened to you Melissa. Things got a little crazy."

Demi scoffed, "A little crazy? You almost killed her!"

His shoulders sagged, "I told her not to do it. I tried to help-"

"You obviously didn't help enough I almost lost her!" Demi yelled, "You weren't even supposed to be at that party but you took her Anyway."

Demi grabbed my hand gently shoving me into the direction of the door so we could go into the house. Seeing how mad she was at the moment I went willingly.

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