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Mission lose max was simple, Richard was all ears as I discussed the plan with him. It was much easier since we were in traffic. Once we lost him and knew for a fact that he wasn't following us. We would go to the party that Richards friend was hosting.

"Your mom is going to be so mad." He laughed shaking his head, "She's going to murder you then bring you back to life just to kill you again."

I rolled my eyes, "Maybe that's what I want."

"To piss her off?" He raised an eyebrow, "Why would you want to do that?"

"Why do you ask so many questions? I feel like I'm in therapy."

"Because you interest me." He said, I couldn't keep the stupid smile off my face at his words. He was so charming it should be illegal.

Richard cut in-between lanes causing horns to blare from other cranky drivers. He repeated this twice and picked up speed once the light turned green. He knew his way around the area good and cut down residential streets keeping away from main roads.

One thing was for sure, max wasn't following us anymore. Mission accomplished!

"So who are these friends?" I asked turning in my seat, "Any tips? Are they nice?"

"They're nice, watch out for Jake though." He warned, "He can be a bit of a flirt."

I nodded already having an idea of how this was going to go. The rest of the car ride was filled with light conversation. We soon pulled up to a big ass house. Richard said something into the intercom and the gates opened.

Was he friends with the president's kids?? This house was incredible.

"It's huge isn't it?" He asked breaking me out of my dreamy state. I was almost 100% sure I looked like a kid on Christmas.

"Richard! My man how've you been?" My eye's found the owner of the voice and he looked like Thor's child. Was everyone in LA hot as fuck?

When he seen me staring he smirked, I had caught his attention oh boy. "Who's this fine piece of milk chocolate, baby you look absolutely gorgeous. I didn't know Beyoncé had an older daughter."

I know, I know, he's cheesy as fuck. But my legs still weakened when he said that. He just had a way of making the dumbest things sexy.

I was just standing there like a dumbass, Richard nudged me and I came back to reality, "I'm Melissa."

"Well Melissa." He made my name sound so hot I just wanted to record him saying it and put it on a loop. "I can't wait to become aquatinted with you."

Before I could speak Richard cut me off, "Dude, chill, she's not like that."

This gained my attention also as we both stared at Richard as he continued, "She's new around here, so just chill with the flirting she's not going to sleep with you."

His bluntness surprised me, my heart skipped a beat realising he was indeed defending me. Cute

"Alright man, I didn't know you had dibs on the pretty girl." Unknown name said.

Instead of responding he took my hand and led us both into the house where a party was already fully on its way. People were standing and dancing everywhere.

"Do you want a drink?" He shouted over the music, nodding he handed me a red cup. Whatever he gave me was strong, I was only three drinks in and I found myself slightly swaying when I walked.

I was glad Richard didn't leave me the whole time even when I was talking with a group of girls whose names I didn't care to remember.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, for some reason probably the alcohol the friction made me laugh. I was so drunk already and I haven't been here for more than an hour.

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