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AN/ *TW/ mentions of rape and explicit violence*

"What?" I shouted, "He's dead theres no way its him."

When I was first put into the foster care system, I was told that my father had died in a shoot out with police. And all my life that's what I thought had happened. My father and I never had the best relationship and i blamed him even more than I did my mother. Because no matter how fucked up the situation could be my mother always listened to him.

He was the brains behind everything. Out of all things I remembered one thing that he has always said to me growing up. If I ever tired to run from him, he would kill me. That was one of the reasons I never put up a fight. Never tried to escape because I knew what would happen to me if I did.

"Melissa? Are you still there?" The gentleness I heard in my birth givers voice was something so foreign to me. She never used that tone with me ever in my life and it made my heart warm to a certain degree. I never thought she could be anything but evil.

"How is this possible? He died in a shoot out. How could he even find me? Or recognize who I was for Christ sakes." I was pacing around my room by now. trying my best to process all of this.

"The police covered it up, they didn't want the federal agents to find out one of there prime suspects got away. He visited me once and it was after I had Sammy. He was asking about you, where you were and i told him I had no idea but at the time I really didn't. He must've followed me, its the only reason to explain the attack on your friend. I'm really sorry baby."

I slumped onto the bed, "This is just fucking great my dad is back from the dead and trying to kill me."

"On the bright side there's a way you can catch him. Without your little singer friend getting in the way." She said.

I rolled my eyes at 'singer friend' she still wouldn't admit the fact that demi was my mother. But at the thought of catching him without my mom getting hurt I perked up a little. "How do you suppose I do that?"

"Easy." She said as if it was the most obvious thing. "You go to him."

"What?" I shrieked for the umpteenth time. "Are you crazy that's a suicide mission!"

"Not if I go with you." She reasoned.

My eyes bulged out of their eye socks, "You would do that for me?"

"Of course, you're my daughter. I would do anything for you." Just as I was about to reply I heard demi calling me from the other room. "Look I gotta go but I'll call you back later."

Ending the call I scurried under the covers, hiding my phone under my pillow Hoping i wasn't too loud in the phone. I really didn't want demi having any parts of this. And I knew that if I told her what I was planning to do she would stop me.

"Melissa? Breakfast is ready." I faked a yawn, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"I must've came in here and fell asleep." I whispered.

Demi gave me a pointed look, lips pursed, trying to figure out if I was lying on not. "I'm sure you did after your heated phone conversation. Who were you arguing with? Was it Asia?"

"Yea," sorry Asia "She was being a total bitch."

Demi said nothing after that, we ate in silence. I was texting my mom all throughout breakfast and Surprisingly she didn't take my phone away. Which I was greatful for, we had planned to meet at some diner where there were lots of people just in case he tried to do anything. And i felt more safe, because if this was a trap atleast I'd have witnesses.

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