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"Come on Melissa, we're both going to be late." I heard Demi holler from down stairs. I shoved the rest of my books into my bag groaning.

Who created school? I just wanna talk.

It was my first day and I was dreading it, I already was embarrassed because I wasn't in the correct grade for my age. I was two years behind because I didn't get the opportunity to have a good education at my other homes.

Demi stood at the bottom of the steps looking as flawless as ever. Which made me a little suspicious of her whereabouts. She never got that dressed up to go to the studio.

"I'm going to be a little late picking you up today

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"I'm going to be a little late picking you up today." She said, "I have a production meeting."

I rolled my eyes gazing out the window, every since our trip to Disney she's been work, work and oh wait, more work. I get that's her job and everything but sometimes I would like to talk about something other than her job.

All she was doing was reminding me that she's going to be leaving me for two months and I'm going to have to stay with her friend. Who I haven't even met yet.

"Are you even listening to me?" She questioned, glancing back quickly. I only then realized that we were actually parked in the front of the school.

"Sure." I said my eyes never leaving the building that's gonna be holding me captive until demi picks me up at the end of the day. It looked pretty from the outside I give it that. It looked more like a resort than a school.

"Are you feeling alright?" For the first time this morning demi actually payed attention to me. I did feel that I was coming down with something, but I didn't want to make it seem like I was faking it just to get out of my first day which was a lie.

"Just peachy." I answered opening the door.

"Stay out of trouble and call me if you need anything." She yelled causing multiple students to turn around.

Two seconds and she already managed to embarrass me. I lowered my head wishing I had straightened my thick black hair this morning to hide my rosey cheeks. Once inside of the building i was bombarded by students and pushed to the side by multiple people as they ran past me.

I went on instinct and followed them down the hallway until I eventually saw a sign that said main office. I breathed a sigh of relief as I entered asking the older lady for my things which she gave me right away an welcomed me to their school.

"Hey!" Someone shouted from behind me, "hold on a second."

I stopped and turned to see a tan girl with short hair and baggy pants. "You new here right?"

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