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After yesterday's events, I spent the whole night thinking about my birth mother much to my discomfort. There was something bothering me about her just turning up out of nowhere.

When was she released from jail? How did she find me? More importantly; how did she get over the gate and pass the security desk? That alone left me unsettled.

What if she had hurt Marissa while I was gone? I would've never forgave myself if something happened to her or demi Because of me.

"Knock, knock."

I looked up to see Marissa leaning against the door smiling, sympathy etched on her face.

"You don't have to do that I'm fine."

She furrowed her brows, "Do what?"

"Feel bad for me." I said honestly. "Im fine."

She sighed walking farther into the room , taking a seat next to me on the bed. Silence fell between us as Maur nervously played with her fingers. Okay, something was up. It was obvious that whatever was bothering her wasn't just my biological mother paying us a visit.

"What's wrong?" I asked curiously.

"Nothing." She answered quickly becoming flustered.

"You know you're a horrible liar. Almost as bad as demi." I chuckled.

"Hey!" She feigned fake offense. "Im definitely a better liar than her, between you and me. The only reason demi got away with half of the stuff she has is because of me."

This gained my full attention and interest as I leaned towards her, "What kinda stuff we talking about?"

We probably looked like ridiculous teens gossiping from the outside. "Nice try." Marissa grinned, "But I'm not telling you figure it out yourself."

"Arh," I groaned, "And how am I supposed to do that?"

Marissa stood up walking towards the door as her phone rang in a different room. "There's this thing called Google, you should get familiar with it." she shouted just as she left to find her phone.

Was she giving me permission to Google demi? Should I?

I mean how much more is there besides her being a huge international singer and songwriter? Demi seemed antisocial if you ask me, what could she have possibly gotten into? She literally cries over a parking ticket.

Curiosity got the best of me and i dived over towards my phone and went straight to Google. I started off with 'Demi lovato' and came across her Wikipedia page. I skimmed through it and everything seemed normal until I caught the word rehab and drug addiction.

Demi did drugs?? Not only drugs but cocaine??

I spent the next hour reading every article I could find on Demi's career, addictions and mental disorders. I was having a hard time believing I was reading all of these horrible things about a person who could literally light up a room when she walked in.

What scared me the most was demi was doing the same drugs my parents were doing/selling. I couldn't help but compare the two. Then quickly shook that thought out of my head. Demi isn't like them. She could never hurt anybody. Well, besides the backup dancer she punched in the face mid flight.

A sense of pride flooded over me when I seen the damage demi did to the girls face. Nice right hook! It gave me some comfort, knowing demi could defend herself if Rena decided to pull something. She was unpredictable and I was sure she had connections. It was only a matter of time before she came back and I had to be ready. I had to protect my family.

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