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*Seven years later*

Life is a bitch, i can pretty much sum up my whole life with that phrase. And despite how shitty the last seven years have been for me. I cant say I would go back and do it differently. Demi adopting me was one of the greatest things that ever happened to me. Here I was, this troubled street kid, with a dark past, who was taken in by a huge popstar. I went from someone who only depended on herself to someone who relied on demi to do everything for me. It felt good to be cared for and loved by someone unconditional.

Demi, my mother, has one of the biggest fucking hearts, even if she goes on interviews and they ask about me, or someone walks up to her and tells her how crazy I am. She always defends me, she always tells them that she loves me and nothing is ever going to change that. She didn't excuse my actions, believe me, seven years later and every other week when she visits I get a long lecture about how violence isn't the answer and that if I wasn't in jail she would ground me for the rest of my life.

She's still angry not that I blame her, I think the part that upset her the most isn't the fact that I killed him. Even though that is still a big chunk of her anger. It's the fact that I didn't tell her, the fact that I snuck around her and went behind her back. That's what broke her heart. I remind her every day that I did it for her protection. Which she always scoffs and says. "I'm your mother Melissa, I'm supposed to protect you not the other way around." Which I call bullshit every time.

I'm twenty now, and still look like I'm in the tenth grade. Although I am more fit, to pass the time by here I did alot of fitness and frequently went on runs around the courtyard. Prison life is hard there's no doubt about it. One moment your roomie can be alive and well. Then in the snap of the fingers they could be dead which happened to me on a few occasions.

But I survived and i was leaving this shit hole today! Finally, I could step outside of these walls and become the person I always wanted to be. More importantly, I can eat Whatever the fuck I want when I want without a guard breathing down my ear. As i stuffed the last of my things in my bag, I was escorted to check out where I was handed my things that they confiscated.

"You look so good baby come here lemme see you!" Mom was all teary eyed. she pulled me into her chest, covering my face with kisses and even at twenty years of age, she still found a way to embarrass me. Only I didn't care what anyone thought. Because I missed her so much.

"You're never going back there do you hear me? Those were the worst seven years of my life. I was and am still so worried about you."

I smiled, wiping the tears that streamed down her cheeks, "I promise ma, I'll never leave you again. Now can we stop with the Sappy shit? This is my first day out and i want real food."

"So Nothing changes in the last seven years." She laughed, one her her genuine body shaking laughs that I missed so much. The way her eyes lit up in this moment was something that I never wanted too forget.

"Well you would know." I elbowed her in her side, "You've visited me every week." It still shocked me that demi never broke the promise she made to me the day I got arrested. She would never leave my side and she hadn't even after all those years. She stuck by me when I was terrified that the other inmates were going to jump me. She stuck by me when I was so depressed during the first years of my sentence that I attempted suicide twice. She stuck by me when I refused to talk to her some days. Demi was my rock, she was the best mother I could ever ask for.

It was amazing for me to reflect on my past, because at one point in my life, i despised the word family. I hated what it stood for, what it meant. And now here I was, with my mom, who I loved more than life itself. Family seemed to want me, she was what I needed and no one else.

Things have changed over the years, demi ended up adopting another kid, a boy from africa named Aba.  He was only four years old, and i haven't gotten to spent much time with him yet but he was her world right now. It was so comforting to know that while I was away, she had someone here with her, to distract her from her own loneliness.

Turning around I smiled at Aba sleeping figure in the car seat. He had to be the cutest little munchkin I have ever seen in my life. "He's adorable."I awwed, reaching for his chubby fingers. "You did good mom."

She sent me a heart warming smile as we pulled up to our new house. "I did, didn't I?"


I'm so sad to see this book come to an end! I hope you enjoyed it. I want to take a moment to thank each one of you for voting and commenting! It means so much, all I want to do is write books that people enjoy! So thanks for giving it and me a chance :)

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