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I wondered around the arena until I came across the stage, there were hundreds of workers scurrying around frantically trying to get everything done in only a short amount of time.

"Hey kid, what are you doing back here?"

I turned around to face a guy who had stage manager label on his shirt. I furrowed my eyebrow did demi not inform them I was with her?.

"You can't be back here, leave now before I call security, who will hapily escort you out" he said, I backed away, he reached to grab me but I swiftly moved to the side countering his movements, grabbing ahold of his arm twisting it around his back as I kneed him in the stomach.

"Don't you ever touch me"

He groaned And I heard a gasp from behind me "Melissa let Rick go" it was demi, letting go of him I turned around to face demi my breathing labored as my eyes scanned the room.

"He tried to grab me" my voice shook as tears gathered in my eyes, "Nobody touches me"

"Okay baby girl, nobody will touch you" she took slow steps towards me and this time instead of backing away I let her.

My body relaxed as her scent engulfed my surroundings as she pulled me in to a hug.

I let unwanted tears escape my eyes as she scooped me up in her arms and carried me back to the dressing room.

"We really need to work on this aggression that you walk around with Melissa you can't just go around pulling knifes on people. " she said, running her fingers through my hair.

I hummed a response knowing she was right but I couldn't help it. that was how I was raised how can you break a habit that youve known your whole life.

The concert started a little while after and it was honestly incredible. She was an amazing singer. I didn't know much about music but I knew she was one of the best.

Demi came running towards me after her set finished and picked me up spinning me around as I girlishy giggled.

"Demi, stop it!"

"Nope" she swung me around so I was now on her hip. "I love you Melissa" she said kissing my cheek.

My body froze as I let what she just said register.

"Whats wrong?" She asked sensing my change in deamor.

"Nothing can you put me down?"


"Just put me down! " I snapped, wiggling out of her grasp. Once on the floor I stomped my way towards her dressing room.

How could she say that?

She doesn't love you, she's lying my demons said.

I know I replied. Noone could ever love me.


Sorry for such a late update. Go read my Ruby and Demi story 'hate at first sight'

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