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"Oh my god Melissa!" Demi pulled me into a bone crushing hug. Knocking us both over so we were now sprawled out on Asia's couch. Her grip suffocating me, considering the circumstances I didnt care. I let my tears out of their cage. Relying on the comfort of demi to make me feel better.

"Marissa." I whimpered, burying my head farther into her chest, taking in her scent. "She's.. shes-"

"Sshh, it'll be okay." She brushed a few strands of hair out of my face. "The doctors are doing everything they can."

Demi's voice broke at that, the strong front she tried to put up when she walked in crumbling to the ground at her feet. It started out as sniffles which then resulted to full out sobs and painful cries. It hurt to see demi like this. I could feel the pain in each plea, and strangled cry that escaped her lips.

She was in pain, her best friend was fighting for her life and there was nothing either of us could do about it. There's no worse feeling than being in a situation like this when one of your loved Ones are in a life or death situation and there's nothing you can do. You're helpless, knowing that you have to put your faith into whatever God you believe in and the team of doctors.

"I-I can't lose my best friend, she means everything to me I can't live without her." Demi sobbed.

She needed me to be strong so I did my best to pull myself together knowing that in this situation I had to be the one she could reply on.

"She'll pull through, Marissa is one of the strongest people I know besides you mom. She's not going down without a fight."

Demi weakly nodded pulling away. "The police said there was no forced entry or evidence of anyone being in the house. No foot prints, blood splatter, hair fibers. Not even a partial fingerprint. The house is clean."

"B-But that's impossible!" I protested angrily. "There was blood on the floor and maur was found upstairs in her bedroom! How could she have gotten up the stairs in her state? Demi, there has to be something she couldn't have done that to herself."

"I don't understand it myself, when the detective told me that the place was clean I couldn't believe it."

I shook my head, "Something isn't right, what if she was taken somewhere else and tortured."

Demi sighed, "We have no way of proving that. I agree with you it is odd how the crime scene was set up. It was too perfect if you ask me."

"Professionals." I stated bitterly, "My birth mom probably hired them-"

"Hey! Let's not point the finger at anyone until we have solid evidence. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty." Demi scolded lightly.

"Who else would have done this?" I questioned irritably, "As soon as she arrives wanting to talk to me and threatening to take you to court for custody of me. Marissa just so happens to be attacked not even a week later? Thats not a coincidence demi."

"I agree it's suspicious." Demi admitted, "But I'm not making any accusations until I know for sure and so should you."

"Fine." I huffed, not having any engery to argue with her tonight. Its been a long day and a half and I honestly wanted to sleep forever. "Where are you staying?"

"At a hotel." Demi answered, "Our house is a crime scene and I honestly dont want to go back there, ever. So im looking for new homes in San Diego."

My eyes widened, I stared at her in disbelief, "San Diego??? Why do we have to go so far? What about my school and-"

"Relax you won't have to change schools." Demi interrupted, "This place just brings bad memories all together. We need a change and if my work wasn't here I would move out of state."

She did have a point upon moving into our new home after my adoption. I've been drugged, nearly died, and now maur. We just couldn't catch a break I was starting to think this house was bad luck. Even more than I.

Demi decided we'd go back to her hotel, I wasn't complaining because honestly, I never wanted to leave her side again. We still hadn't discussed what those people that hurt maur wanted. And i had a feeling she either naively didn't know, and assumed it was an coincidence or she knew and didn't want to admit it.

Once we reached her hotel I stripped to my pajamas climbing into the bed letting the soft queen sized bed absorb me. Demi followed my lead switching the light off leaving us in complete darkness with our thoughts. She unconsciously wrapped her arms tightly around me hugging me to her chest so my head was rested on her shoulder.

She held me as if I was the only thing keeping her from breaking apart. The fear that radiated off of her was something that I never thought I'd witness. Demi Always seemed so fearless, carefree even and now she was someone who would always looks over her shoulder, scared of the unknown and terrified of something they cannot see.

I didn't know what could ease her pain or make her feel more comfortable. I was shook out of my thoughts by a wet tear drop falling on my face.

I didn't move, I was frozen in place.

"When all this is over I want to go away. Just you and me for a month or two." She said. "Out of the country. I don't know where yet."

"So you're going to run away?"

"No, just a little vacation."

"What about school?" I asked.

Despite the darkness that filled the room I could feel Demi's eyes burning Into the side of my face, "You want to pass up a vacation with me so you can go to school?"

"No," I laughed, "I'm being logical, I'm already a grade behind do you want me to be in school forever?"

"No." she hugged me, "But I want to do this I'll have your work sent and we can go during spring break if you'd like."

"Okay, I'd like that." I grinned, taking a comfortable position on my side. Maybe a little vacation away from everything is what we need. It would be nice to spend time with demi that wasn't interrupted by her manger or a concert the next day. It would be just us and I was looking forward to that more than anything.


Filler chapter!

Hey guys, what are some good TV show's that y'all watch? Ive been wanting to start some new ones.

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