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"No way! That did not happen." I laughed as Demi told me the story about how she dropped the turkey last thanksgiving.

We were sitting on a park bench and she was still telling me her family stories. They sound like really cool people I kinda envy her. Demi seems to come from a nice loving family.

As she's telling me these stories I can't help but think what it would be like to experience something like that. To be loved by someone to have a family that you can joke around with.

"You seem to love your family very much" I told her looking up at the sky.

I could feel her eyes on me "Yeah I do very much I don't get to see them that often because of my job but when I do we have the best time together."

I could feel the lose tear slip down my cheeks I hurried to wipe it away. I can't believe I let myself cry in front of her for the second time. I'm pathetic.

"Its okay to cry you know it doesn't mean your weak, it just means that you've been strong for so long." She moved closer to me wrapping her arms around my shoulders pulling me into her chest.

Why did my life have to be so fucked up? Why did my parents have to be such horrible people. I have never talked about my past or what happened to me.

Not even the police they only know what they think happened I vowed never to tell a soul. Of what my parents did to me watched me go threw for a few bucks its sickening.

Your own child! How can a person be that sick in the head? That they enjoy watching there own blood go through pain.

"We should start to head back now its getting late." I pulled away from Demi standing up.

Demi fell in step with me "So how do you feel about the whole adoption thing?" She suddenly asked out of the blue.

I decided to give her an honest answer "I don't want to be adopted."

It took me a couple of seconds to realize she had stopped walking. I turned around to see what could of happened but she was just staring at me like I had two heads.

"Demi, are you okay?"

She shook her head snapping out of whatever she was thinking about and caught up to me. "Why don't you want to be adopted? Isn't that every kids dream, to get out of the center?"

Shrugging I said "I mean for some of us, yeah, but me even though I hate being a foster kid with a passion I'd rather wait untill I'm of age to be able to leave on my own."

"So let's just say hypothetically if someone wanted to adopt you would you turn them down?"

I didn't even hesitate "yup"

It wasn't like anyone wanted to adopt me anyway. I've been in the system to long who wants a 12 year girl with alot of baggage and a horrible past that seems to always come back and haunt her. They always run for the hills when Claudia tells them about my broken family.

"Do you have a reason to why you don't want to get adopted? To have a second chance at a family, a mom?" Now it was my turn to stop walking.

A family? A mom? There all lies no one will ever love me and I've accepted that.

"I don't need that Demi I don't need a family a mom I can take care of myself like I have been doing since I was able to walk! Why would I want to be adopted by some stranger out of pity!" My voice raised a few nothches.

This conversation was bothering me to an extent. I don't need a family to be happy.

"I don't need a mom I've already had one and you see how that worked out I'm here, Demi I've been in a care home for 6 years. When you go without love your whole life you learn things." I was now breathing heavily.

Demi inched closer to me "Its okay Melissa, I'm sorry I asked."

"Its not okay Demi so many people take for granite what they have you have a loving family you grew up with a mom that would kill for you. But me I grew up with a mom that couldn't give two shits about me, a mom that would sell me in the trade for a couple bucks." I yelled collapsing to me knees.

Old wounds are now open I can feel the pain all over again. "Child trafficking my parent's sold me to men Demi! They were such money grubbing whores, they sold their own child."

I needed to get some of this off my chest. It was suffocating me for so long I had to tell someone. Even though this was only half of what they done.

Demi scoped me up in her arms carrying me bridal style "I don't know what to say baby girl. You're so strong beyond imagine"

She kissed my forehead so lovingly my heart did a flip. If I was a different person I would actually think she cared but my stubborn mind quickly objected that.

I was glad Demi didn't pull the 'I'm so sorry' card it gets annoying why are you apologizing for something you had no control of? I hate the word 'sorry' with a passion. I've heard it to many times.

The rest of the walk was silent Demi carried me the whole way. Even though it was nice. I was embarrassed the strange looks people were giving us.

I swear I saw someone snap a picture Demi didn't seem to notice and I don't know how that happened there were quite a few people. Maybe she just ignored it.

"Demi what the hell where did you go?" A man with a thick Australian accent yelled at her as soon as we were back in the care home.

"Max, I went for a walk I'm fine if I needed you I would'veof called." She rolled her eyes shifting me in her arms.

The guy max gave her a look of disapproval "Its my job, Demi to keep you safe don't let it happen again."

Who was he her father? If she wanted to go out then she wanted to go out who is he to tell her she can't? What did he mean about keep her safe?

Was Demi In danger? Was someone after her?

"You can put me down now."

She giggled "Oh yeah sorry."

Claudia walked in the room as Demi was putting me down she gave me one death glare before forcing smile and greeting Demi.

"I'm sorry, Miss Lovato has this problem child been bothering you." Claudia pulled me away from Demi her hand on my mid back she pinched me earning a wince from me.

That didn't go unnoticed by Demi I gave her a pleading look trying not to cry as her hands dug into my skin. That was definitely going to leave a mark.

"I can see that you are hurting the child Claudia and if you don't let her go this instant I will personally make sure that you are fired and in jail for child abuse and never to see the light of day. Do I make myself clear?" Demi's threat made me gulp her voice was so strict and demanding.

She was intimidating and it scared me so I can only imagine what Claudia was thinking. She let go off me brushing her sweaty claws on her dress.

"Most definitely. Ms.Lovato sorry for the misunderstanding."

I almost laughed, she was so scared of Demi I only snickered from behind. I know I was going to get it when Demi leaves.

"Have you decided who you want to adopted any kids catch your eye" Claudia asked.

A smile broke out on Demis face "Yup I know who I want."

Demi and the caregiver walked off to get her perfect kid sadness crept inside of me at the thought of Demi leaving with another kid.

I ran up the stairs to my room. Why was I upset don't want to be adopted. Do I?

Slamming the door behind me I sighed collapsing on my bed they were right all good things have to come to an end.

Authors Note:
On this cold snowy day i decided to update so what do you think? Should I continue this story or nah?.


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