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"You is a lie" I scoffed, "I've been hanging out with Demi Lovato and I didn't even know it?"

She nodded a grin playing on her face, "Here " she said handing me some type of pass. "You'll need this to get in, stay by my side and whatever you do don't let go of my hand got it?"

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not a baby, I don't Need to hold anyone's hand!"

"But you're my baby" she pouted her lips, as I fought back a smile.

Don't get too attached .

She got out the car jogging over to my side opening my door for me. She held out her hand which I refused to take. I wasn't going to give in.

"Don't say I didn't warn ya" she singed from behind me, as were grew nearer to the arena the crowd outside doubled.

"Side entrance" she told me her rude bodyguard was now by her side.

When did he get here?.

As we walked towards the side entrance I could hear screams in the distance growing closer. Panic began to kick in as I got in protective mode.

Living on the streets in Philly you learn a lot. Next thing I know we were surrounded by people screaming guys and girls.

I backed away my survival instincts  kicking in. My breathing became uneven. As I closed my eye trying to keep the voices out.

Everything was moving in slow motion as I was no longer with Demi but in a cell at Rokos house, My former master.

Images flooded my vision, my mind was playing tricks on me the setting was not real.

Just as he was about to walk up to me an arm reached for my shoulder but in lightening speed I pulled my pocket knife out.

Tears were streaming down my face as I held it to the person who dared touch me only to find out it was Demi.

Her eyes were wide with shock realization hit me and I dropped the knife making a bee line towards the building.

I couldn't believe what I had just done I held a knife up to Demi. I could hear footsteps chasing after me.

Which caused me to push myself even faster until I found an empty closet Like room.

I shut the door before anyone could get to me panting I sunk to the cold hard tile floor.

"Melissa open the door!" It was demi, why couldn't she take the hint and just leave me alone? I'm a monster why can't she see that like Everybody else does.

"You're not a monster, please open the door" she said, jiggling the handle.

"Why can't you see who I really am Demi! I almost slit your throat for Christ sakes!" I yelled, "You could of died right there "

"But you didn't! If you don't open this door then i will find the key" She warned, this was unbelievable.

Wiping the remaining tears from my eye i stood up unlocking the door. Almost immediately i was engulfed in a hug demi's arms wrapped tightly around me.

"We will get through this together okay? You don't have to do this alone." She pulled away cupping my face, forcing me to look in to her brown eyes that were right now filled with love and concern.

I nodded resting my head on her shoulder, as she pulled me in to a side hug escorting both of us out this supply closet.

We arrived to her dressing room which was surprisingly empty. I took the couch my eyes scanning the room curiously.

"So" she started, pulling her make up chair in front of me. "I'm gonna need you to be completely honest with me. Where did you get this?" She held up my pocket knife.

I shifted uncomfortably in my chair, Should i really tell her where i got it?.

She could tell i was contemplating on what to say because her once soft features turned stern. "Melissa, You have to be honest with me. This is the only way this is going to work."

I gave in i mean the least i could to was tell her i did mintues ago almost kill her

"I stole it" I stated bluntly, her eyes grew wide probably not expecting that answer. She rubbed a hand over her face shaking her head.

"Melissa I- don't even know what to say, do you know where you stole it from?" she asked, exasperation in her voice.

I shrugged pretending to look at me nails, "I dont know it was some cornor stole in west philly. And in my defense, if it wasnt for that knife i wouldn't of made it through the night."

"Y-YOU used it!" she stuttered accusingly.

"I didn't kill anyone if thats what you're thinking demi damn do you think i'm that much of a monster?" I mumbled , hurt that she thinks that i would willngly hurt someone.

"No not like that! I mean um-" she paused, causing me to scoff.

"Unbelievable, I'm going for a walk" I said , turning towards the door before she could protest her team barged in to the room getting her ready for her concert.


Again guys I'm so fucking sorry for not updating in months i don't even have an excuse.

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