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Tears gathered in my eyes as demi kneeled down infront of me a worried look on her face.

"Oh my gosh!" She gasped seeing my bruises and slightly bleeding cuts. "What happened to you?"

I shrugged before saying "Just the usually beating I get everyday"

I flinched as her fingers brushed against  my bruised cheek. "Babygirl you need to get checked out these look like some serious injuries"

I shook my head no backing away from her. Doctors meant hospital. Which means questions which will lead to police and me being put in another care home.

"I'm fine demi" I told her

"You're not fine Melissa look at you!" She examined.

I wobbly stood up using the nearby wall for support. "I've been threw far worst demi"

I was mad why did my life have to turn out like this?.

"Let's get you inside" she suddenly said her shoulders slumped in defeat. Using her key card to open the hotel door.

What a coincidence that I was laying on the floor outside of her hotel room out of all people.

"Demi are you sure about this" the same Australian man that scolded her for taking a walk questioned skeptically.

He didn't seem very fond of me like I care he can just join the club.

"I'm fine max you can go back to your room I'll see you in the morning" she dismissed him helping me into her room.

Before max could protest she shut the door in his face as I suppressed a laugh.

"Let's get you cleaned up" after showering and demi coating my body with neosporin.

We both layed on her queen sized mattress facing each other.

Silence fell between us as demi shot me sympathetic looks.

I scoffed "Stop looking at me like that"

"Like what?" She genuinely looked confused.

"Like you actually care about me! I don't know why I thought you actually would. But I don't need your pity" I spat standing up.

"Me-" she began only to be cut off.

"No demi your just like the rest you pretend to care about me and when I began to trust and get comfortable you'll leave just like the others." Tears were streaming down my face as demi listened.

"I thought you were different! I needed you demi and you weren't there you left me and Claudia did this to me" I yelled.

Demi stood up from the bed taking slow strides towards me. Even though demi didn't confirm that she was going to adopt me.

The thought in the back of my mind hoped she would. I had hope and when she didn't return that evening for pick up I was devastated.

"You weren't there to protect me" I told her my voice cracking. "I needed you"

Demi was now standing within arms reach and I could tell she was hesitant to touch me and I didn't blame her.

Closing the distant between us I let her warn embrace ingulf me. I felt safe in her arms a feeling that is so foreign for somebody like me.

"I'm so sorry Melissa" demi whispered in my ear. "I'm promise I won't let anything happen to you again I won't let anyone hurt you"

As much as I wanted to believe her words I couldn't. Promises were made to be broken.

Pulling away from demi's embrace i crawled back into the bed snuggling into the sulk sheets.

"You can keep your empty promises" I replied before drifting off to sleep. Leaving demi stunned.

The Unwanted adoption (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now