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I stared at her in disbelief my eyes bulging out of my sockets was she crazy? adopt me?.

"You already know how i feel about that demi."

She sighed running her pedicured fingers through her hair. "I know but just hear me out okay?"

She looked so desperate her eyes showed sadness and i knew i was going to cave in. sighing i slumped back in to my pervious postion on the couch beside her.

"You have my full undivided attention"

A small smile took her features "Okay i know how you feel about adoption you dont want to be in a home that wont love you, you dont want to be used but im not like that melissa i would never harm you-"

For some reason her words set me off "Dont make promises you can't keep demi" I hissed rather harshly.

She flinced back but keep her features still soft and concerning i hated it how she was so forgiving.

And that no matter what i say she always seemed to act like she cared. Why couldn't she just run away like the other ones?. It would make things a hole lot easier for the both of us.

"You have to trust me Melissa" she sighed. "This is the only way its going to work"

I laughed bitterly "Trust is something that is earned, not given. And quite frankly i dont trust anyone and i never will"

Standing up i hoisted my bag over my shoulder. "Well i hope we run in to each other sometime but its time for me to go I've already over stayed my vist."

As i began to walk away i felt Demi's hand take hold of my wrist stopping me.

"What do you get out of this melissa?. What do you want I'm trying to help you here!. You can't keep running away from all of your problems i have done nothing for you not to trust me."She said.

"I just want the best for you I want to be there to help and guide you but you won't let me, you're too stubborn.

I'm not like your parents everyone is not like that Melissa . Yes the world is filled with cruel people but I'm not one of them, please just let me help you. "

I was utterly shocked after Demi's long speech did she actually care that much?.

Why was it so hard for me to believe?.

Seeing the tears rolling down her cheeks truly broke my heart. I was speechless how does one respond to that.

So instead of speaking I pulled demi in to my arms I hated that I put her through this.

She's grown attached to me even though we haven't seen eachother in months.

And I myself couldn't deny the safe feeling I got when i was around her the feeling has been so foreign to me for so long.

Demi pulled away first wiping the remaining tears from her swollen eyes. "So does that mean your staying?" she sniffled.

Taking her hand I led us both to the couch.

"Demi..." I stalled my mind was at war one side wanted to be with demi to trust that she won't hurt me.

Then i have the other side that wants to be far away from her telling me to run before i become to invested,  in her because at the end of the day everyone you love leaves in the end.

"Look I won't fully adopt you if you don't want it I won't pressure you. But I will foster you if that's okay?. I dont want you going back to that care home i just got my fostering liscence." she informed me.

"Okay" I agreed she squealled pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

"Im so excited we are going to have so much fun togethor!."

I chuckled at her eagerness who would of known that someone would actually want me in their presence.

Hopefully I wouldn't regret this decision. She left to get dressed and I flipped through tv channels looking for something good to watch.

Since she was going to foster me we had to go to my old care home and get my medical bills and shit transfered to my new home aka demi.

Since she wasn't adopting me I was still the states and got to keep everything i had including my last name not that i wanted the last name of my parents.

Me and demi walked out the elevator hand in hand and down towards the lobbie and there were hundreds of people outside of her hotel.

Which had me confused why were there so many people here?.

"Shit" she cursed reaching in to her bag.

"Put these on" demi handed me a pair of expensive sunglasses and untied her flannel shirt from around her waist and threw it over my head.

"What the fuck? why would you do that?" I exclaimed fixing my hair.

"My fans and paparazzi are outside I don't want you caught up in this just yet."

I stopped turning to face her my back too the door behind it stood hundreds of people with cameras.

"Why do you have fans what are you some type of athlete? that's a awfully lot of people" I said glacing behind me.

She chuckled shaking her head. "No Melissa im a singer"

She looked so scared waiting for my reaction. But the next thing I did shocked even me I started laughing.

I had actual tears in my eyes a singer?.

"Nice try demi that was a good one do you actually think I'd believe you were a singer?" Giggling I wiped the tears from my eyes.

This had to be a joke all this time I've been hanging out with a singer and didn't know it?.

She crossed her arms over her chest. "What's so funny why is it so hard to believe" she fienged hurt.

"Well for one you don't look like a singer or dress like one I mean yeah i had an idea that you were rich but a singer? I find that very hard to believe. "

She smirked to herself clearly amused by this "Okay I'll just have to prove it to you then"

"How you going to do that?"

"You'll see" she winked

Two hours later we had settled everything with my care home and i was now offically in Demi's care she was my foster mom.

She still has yet to prove she was a celebrity we've been driving for hours now and she won't tell me where we are going.

I was about to ask her again when all of a sudden are car stopped in front of this huge arena the Wells Fargo Center actually I could tell we were still in philly.

"What is this? why are we here?" I asked.

Demi's face lit up she was beyond excited.

"You're about to have the greatest night of your life because you are about to experience your first Demi lovato concert!."

Then it hit me I was sitting in the car with Demi lovato.


It's been forever guys I'm so sorry I've been woking onmy other stories but some of them are coming to a end so I'll be able towritemore of this.

The Unwanted adoption (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now