Thirteen Part 2

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This was not what I expected a celebrity party to be like. There were little kids running around everywhere and as soon as we arrived I nearly got hit in the head with a ball as I entered the house. Demi seemed unfazed by all this which was shocking is this how everything she going to drag me to gonna be like?

I trailed behind demi like a lost puppy as she greeted her friends. Shyly waving at them as she introduced me. This was so awkward. Demi basically abandoned me to go talk to some Latino guy so I stood awkwardly by the catering table picking at the chips and dip.

"So your the new girl." Some guy said from beside me. He looked my age, red hair, freckles. He was cute he dressed in a simple white t shit and dark denim jeans.

"I guess you could say that"

he chuckled lightly to himself before extending his hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Richard" he said politely.

I smiled shaking his hand, "I'm Melissa but you can call me Mel."

"Nice to meet you, how's it living with demi? She seems like a cool person her and my mom are friends." He said proudly.

"She's a really nice person I can't complain. Who is your mom?" I asked we were now strolling by the pool taking in the scenery.

"My mom-"

"Melissa!" Demis voice cut him off and I groaned, did she always have to ruin everything. "I want you to meet a friend of mine come say hi."

"Duty calls" he hummed, I went to leave but he gently pulled me back. "Do you have a phone?"

Knowing what he wanted I reached in my purse unlocking it as he put his number. I could feel Demi's eyes burning in to my skull. She wanted me to make friends and now I'm doing it and she seems upset?? That didn't make much sense to me.

After exchanging numbers I bid a farewell because I had a feeling I wasn't going to see him for the rest of the party. When I finally reached demi's side she looked everything but pleased with Richard's and i's encounter.

"You're too young for a boyfriend Missy!" Demi's eyes hardened and I felt the sudden urge to roll my eyes.

"He was just introducing himself, you said to make friends right? Well I did!" I huffed crossing my arms over my chest defiantly, I really don't like when people told me what I can and cannot do It just made me want to do what they said I couldn't more.

"Mhmm, c'mon. I want to introduce you to someone, But before we go he means alot to me so please be respectful and nice." She was just about begging this was comical.

I smiled innocently batting my eyes, "I'm always on my best behavior what do you mean?"

She grumbled something under her breath that I didn't quite catch before taking her hand in mine guiding me through the crowd of people and up to the same Latino guy I saw her talking to before. He was standing next to this girl that looked atleast 16.

"Wil, I would like you to meet my daughter Melissa." At the sound of Demi's voice a smile formed on his face and his eyes lit up. That kind of reaction could only mean one thing he was her boyfriend!

"It's so nice to meet you finally" he said, in a heavily coated accent. "I've heard so many things about you."

Out the cornor of my eye I could see Richard out front talking to some girl. He looked really uncomfortable as her fingers glided down his arm. I found myself chuckling at that.

Excusing myself from demi and this Will guys conversation that I had no interest in whatsoever. I walked outside to where Richard was leaning against the wall listening in on their convo.

"Becka, we're not together anymore why can't you get that through you thick skull." Richard said calmly, and I could see why she wouldn't go away he wasn't being forward enough.

"But Rick! I miss you." She whined, causing me to gag. Seeing enough of this I made my presence known.

"Richard." I called and he instantly turned around his features relaxed at the sight of me,"Come back inside."

"Who's this" the annoying bitch hissed stomping over to me.

"Amanda this is Melissa she's my-"

"Girlfriend" I cut in and his eyes widened and Amanda gasped. "And I couldn't help but see you bothering him. Is there a problem here?"

"Yes!" She shrieked, "You stole my boyfriend!"

"Ex-boyfriend" I corrected her, she was red in the face literally seething I had to stop myself from laughing.

To piss her off even more I cupped Richards face in my hands placing a soft kiss on his lips. I didn't expect him to react to the kiss but he did wrapping his arms around my waist crushing me to his chest.

I couldn't believe I just gave away my first kiss to someone I only met hours ago.

Amanda made another inhumane noise before stomping her way back into the house. I pulled away slowly putting a little distance between us.

There was a couple moments of silence between us both of us honestly trying to process what just happened. "I'm sorry I don't know that got into me." I admitted feeling ashamed.

"No, no." He stopped me, "Its fine I liked it."

"When demi told me to make friends this is not how I expected it to be like." I joked causing him to laugh.

"Do you kiss all your friends?" He teased as we walked back into the house.

"Only the cute ones." I winked before leaving Him going to find demi. I could feel his eyes on my back as I dived into the sea of people.

I didn't see him for the remainder of the night I stayed by Demi's side. When midnight hit I was more than ready to go home. There were only a few people here. Demi was on a couch talking to this that wil guy. I couldn't help but notice how comfortable they looked.

Her feet were rested on his lap his arm around her shoulders. They made a cute couple but I still didn't trust him.

Walking up to the "couple" I took a price of the cake she was picking at. Mmm it was chocolate.

"Hey!" She scolded as I licked my fingers.

"I'm ready to go, I'm tired and you got an interview tomorrow and knowing you you're going to drag me along with you against my will therefore if you want me to be in a good mood I need at least 8 hours of sleep."

"You're right." She sighed, " Go start the car I'll be there in a minute. "

Taking the keys from her hand I jogged out the house it wasn't hard to find the car because there were only two out here at the moment.

Sliding in to Demi's Mercedes I put the key in the ignition starting it. Pushing my chair all the way back I cuddled into the leather interior design of the car it was quite comfortable. I've slept in many cars in my time and this had to be the best one yet.

I ended up falling asleep because not long after I felt someone shaking me awake which I then realized was demi telling me we were home. Striping the clothes off my body I crawled in my bed too tired to wrap my hair, which I knew I was going to regret tomorrow cus its going to be a frizzy mess. And went to sleep seconds after my head hit the pillow.


Happy thanksgiving!

I actually like this chapter alot but I feel like nobody likes this story anymore lol. Remember to leave me feedback and vote and I appreciate you guys reading my other stories it means alot!

If you didn't know I updated 'Dallas lovato's daughter' its been months so go check chapter 24 of that.

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