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"We're going to get in so much trouble." I told Asia, this wasn't a good idea. We should have stayed home and i don't know, watch a movie? Taken a nap?

But she had to go to this party and now it was all over the Internet. Im not even exaggerating, while we were in the car driving back, my Instagram notifications were blowing up! Demi's fans are bombarding me with questions, asking me if Richard was my boyfriend.

I ignored most of the hateful comments by some angry people on twitter. But most of them were speculation, eveyone was still trying to figure it out. I so badly wanted to tweet,  mind your own fucking business. Defend myself to some extent, only I didn't have that leisurely.

I couldn't tweet or speak about certain things because my mom is who she is and everyone always stopped to hear what she had to say. Her publicist already explained to me that it could go as far as legal trouble if I talked about certain things.

So I was stuck and didn't know what to do, demi should be mid flight right now if she isn't off already. And as soon as she turns her phone on, she's going to see me and Richard standing fairly close and God only knows how the photos turned out. The Internet Always seemed to make things look worse than they really are.

"Marissa is probably still sleeping you'll be fine." Asia shrugged her shoulder casually. Her attitude towards all of this was bothering me to no end. She had this care free attitude all the time as if she's invincible when she's not.

"You don't understand I could get into serious trouble." I snipped at her glaring a bit. "My mom will never trust me again she specifically told me to stay away from him."

"She's your mother, she's going to overreact it's a natural instinct for them." Asia scoffed never looking up from her phone.

I slammed my fist down on the door handle loudly startling not only her but our Uber driver. "Shes not overreacting, I almost died because of something him and his friends gave me! Can you stop being insensitive for one fucking minute?"

Asia lips formed in a thin line as her eyes darkened, "What is your problem? You should be thanking me for even bringing your lame ass there in the first place! You need to stop being uptight all the time and live alittle. Your mom is away, and you're going to sit in the house all day and mope around like a little bitch? Melissa, you have no life outside of your mother and her career! Don't you think that's, I don't know, unhealthy?"

"You don't know anything." I hissed venomously.

"Maybe I don't, but what I do know is you're an ungrateful bitch. Since demi brought you in to her home all you have been doing is complaining. I haven't even known you for that long and I can tell you will never be happy with anything." Asia got out the car, just Before she slammed it shut she said. "Call me when my best friend wakes up and comes back to reality that the world doesn't revolve around her all the time."

I let out an angry huff as the car pulled off. How could Asia say all of those things? Is that really what she thinks of me? Did she ever really want to be my friend?

My thoughts were running a mile a minute and I didn't know how to stop them. My breathing labored as I tried to calm myself down, the car suddenly felt smaller than it had before. In this moment it felt like the doors on all four sides were closing in on me. I was sweating profusely, my eyes were hooded, everything I saw was grey it was as if I was in a different world.

Ok Melissa calm down. I told myself. Everything will be okay.

I was wrong, you know that moment in life where you just stop and think about the future, like when you get older or even graduating highschool. The goals you want to accomplish and the excitement that surrounds you when you think about it. During these last two seconds of my life that's what happened to me. I was in a trance i couldn't see or hear the commotion around me. My body couldn't physically move.

The feeling was terrifying like an out of body experience. Pictures of my mom flooded my mind at rapid pace. Not only the bad times but the good times we had together. She wasn't always a drunk, drug addict.

She was a beautiful law student at one point in her life atleast that's what i heard. And everything changed within a matter of seconds as one day she was walking back to her dorm and was stabbed twice and raped by four men. They took everything from her and discarded her like trash. and this was the birth of the monster that tormented me for years. Beat me until I was bloody and sold me off to the highest bidder at the age of five.

As the car pulled up to our drive way the last person I expected to see was the one that I thought was dead. That I was extremely terrified of, my mother was standing outside of my home. Demi's home.

I couldn't get out the car, my heart was beating uncontrollably as we locked eyes with such an intensity, I was becoming dizzy. She was standing only a few feet away from the car, wearing tan work pants and a shirt that had some store name on it. I couldn't exactly see that good because I was ducking under the window. Tears filled my eyes as she walked towards the car, fuck, what was I supposed to do.

I need demi, she's supposed to be here, she's supposed to protect me. What if my mom hurts me again?

"I just want to talk with you Melissa." Her voice rang through my ears like a siren seeping into my every being. Her voice was unique it had this rough edge to it that could scare anyone off in a heartbeat.

"S-stay away from me." I hated the way my voice shook, it made me sound weak and showed her I was afraid. People like her feed off of any sign of weakness of fear. They craved it.

How did she even find me???

She edged forward slowly, my panic finally reaching a new level. I was tempted to get out the car and just run, but I could never outrun my mom. If I could I would've been out of that crack house long before they got caught by cps.

"Hear me out." She began to say, "I know you hate me but I need your h-" just as she was about to explain, the front door swung open and Marissa came storming out. Her eyes blazing with fury.

I was never so thankful to see Marissa in my life. I finally felt safe enough to get out the car and run towards her.

"You can't be here this is private property." Marissa spat. The tone of her voice sent several shivers down my spine. It was colder than ice. In this moment, I didnt care if she sounded scary. I just needed the comfort of her being there.

"I can be here if I want, that's my daughter." My birth mother's voice raised substantially and I held Marissa tighter burying my face farther Into her neck.

Marissa took a step forward pushing me behind her, "Wrong. Her mother is Demi Lovato. You've had all your rights taken from you as soon as you got put in jail. She's ours now so back the fuck off before I call the cops and request a restraining order."

"My name is on her birth certificate she is mine." Rena growled. "And if you refuse to let me see her I will see you in court."

I had enough of their bickering. I was Becoming angry by now, angry at the fact that she thinks she can just come here and claim me as her daughter when she wanted nothing to do with me for so many years.

"I don't want you here, Demi is my mother, not you. She may not be on my birth certificate but you know what Rena? That's just a piece of  paper. She loves me more than you ever did and has went out of her way to make me feel comfortable here. I will not allow you to come here and ruin everything. This is the first time in my life that I'm actually happy, after all the years of pain and suffering you and Jack put me through! I finally get a chance at the home I always wished I could have... but never felt good enough for it. And I'll be dammed if I let you come here and take me away from demi, my mom. I suggest you turn around and go back the way you came in and never turn back because I have no interest in speaking with you. Even again." And with that Being said, I started my way back to the house with Marissa trailing behind me feeling emotionally drained. What else could go wrong??


Try to ignore the mistakes, but heyyy I updated!

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