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It's been two days since the incident and I was in forth work, everyone was giving me strange looks and I knew why. Not only were the police looking for me but Demi had filed a missing persons report.

I had about fifthy dollars in my pocket, and was currently sitting in an local diner. Nibbling on two dollar fries the news was another broadcast of me. Demi had put out a ten thousand dollar award for anyone who found me or knew my where abouts.

Which surprised me, demi didn't seem to care about me when her sister said what she said or ask if I was okay. So why would she put out that kind of money. One thing I knew was that if I was caught I would be back with my social worker.

Tossing the rest of my fires out I grabbed my stuff leaving the diner and heading to the bus station. My legs were numb, I couldn't walk anymore miles or i was going to collapse.

"How much is a bus pass out of town?" I asked the clerk. He stared at me strangely, "Your that girl that's all over the news, I'm about to cash in the 10k!"

Fuck, I ran out of that place so fast but it was already too late I bumped into a police officer on my way out. "Shit"

He hand cuffed me, placing me in the back seat. "Look if you could just drop me off in the next state that would be great."

He looked through his rearview mirror at me like I was crazy, "No can do kid, we've been looking for you, your mom has been worried sick"

I scoffed, "I don't have a mom"

"Your a stubborn one I see" he noted, "Melissa you don't know how good you have it until its gone, not trying to lecture you but she loves you to death"

Deciding not to reply I huffed sinking into the leather exterior of the car. I ended up falling asleep the rest of the ride and woke up in a cell to people shouting outside one of the voices demi.

My head shot up as I groaned my headache worsening. The lack of sleep these last couple of days catching up to me in the worse way.

"I need to see her" demi yelled , her voice cracking.

Oh, now she wanted to see me?

"You have ten minutes" the officer that brought me here said.

Her heels clicked along the marble floor, I closed my eyes pretending to be sleep. The cell door opened and warmth engulfed me as demi pulled my 'sleeping' body to her.

"Don't you ever run away like that again Melissa Anna Lovato"

I froze, a chill running down my spine. Did she just say what I think she just said. Lovato?? Hold up lets pause this shit for a minute.

I pulled myself away from her standing up, "What did you just call me?"

This was my first seeing her in two days and the difference was drastic. She looked dead her eyes didn't hold that same light it did days ago. Her face was paler than usual. Her hair was in a messy bun she looked like she hasn't changed her clothes in days.

She stood up, her brown eyes narrowing at me tears brimming, "I said don't you dare run away like that again Melissa Anna Lovato!"

"My last name isn't Lovato!" I shouted, "Its grey you're not my mom I don't belong in your racist family!"

She flinched back my words cutting the tension in the air like a knife, " Why can't you just leave me like everyone else demi, why fight for something that is already far gone. You can't change me i was built to live on the street"

She shook her head taking slow steps towards me, "You weren't build for the street everyone deserves a home and a loving family. But you're hurt and I get that being on the street with people that only look out for themselves is all you've known. That's why it's so hard for you to believe that someone actually loves you"

I didn't expect her words to hit me so hard but they did. I flung myself in her arms almost knocking her over she held onto me just as tightly as I cried into her chest.

She felt like home to me, and no matter how hard I tried to deny it I couldn't. I've grown attached to demi more than I was supposed to.

" I'm sorry demi" I hiccupped, "I shouldn't have hit your sister but she took me to a place that I haven't gone to in a long time"

Demi carried me over to the bed cradling me in her lap "She told me what she said to you and I promise that you'll never have to see her again."

"I also got them to drop the charges against you, so you're free to go. But when we get back home your social worker and parole officer are gonna have a talk with you"

I found myself making a winning noise, which made demi laugh her body shaking, causing a teary smile to form on my face.

"What did you expect to just walk away with nothing, you are lucky I got you out of jail" she joked. "Come on baby girl lets go home"

The cell door was already open and demi was waiting for me on the other side but I stayed my feet rooted in place. "Melissa do you want to stay here?"

I rolled my eyes, "Of course not but I can't feel my legs right now, so you are hereby ordered to carry me to the car"

"You're going to be the death of me child" she chuckled as I hopped on her back.

"Well demi nobody told you to pick up a kid from off the street and adopt them so.."

"Shut it Melissa before I make you walk"

"Fine , fine you're no fun" I retorted, "you know you still haven't answered the question about my last name, why'd you call me Lovato"

She opened the car door placing me in the back seat before saying, "Because I officially adopted you today. You're mine Melissa Lovato"



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